Saturday, October 26, 2024

A Few More Pineapples

 A few more pineapples were added to the mix this week. I call these caramel brown pineapples,

I have two deep purple pineapples cut out. They'll get sewn up this week. I only need four more pineapples and then I'll have my 60 ready to lay out and sash. I'm thinking maybe a dark brown -- as in chocolate colored? Maybe I'll have this one put together soon (?)! Lol!

Here they are individually in case you wanted a closer look.

Today is day 2 of retreat. I forgot my phone yesterday so I can't show you what I worked on yesterday. I'll be sure to get pictures today. It's a Judy Niemeyer table runner that was started at a guild class so very long ago. I'm anxious to finish it -- I think it's beautiful!

Happy Halloween, everyone! Don't let the spooky Spidermans, princesses, or goblins play tricks on you Thursday. Go ahead and pass out those treats! Hahaha!

I'll leave you with a sweet picture of Brody. He went to the pumpkin farm on his kindergarten field trip this week.

Sharing with the other Rainbow Scrap quilters at SoScrappy.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

I Like Thurs #160

Welcome to my corner of the world where I can usually find things that please me. I hope you like what I'm sharing with you today. Our weather has been wonderful lately -- cool/warm sunny days with cool/chilly nights. Great for walking the dog and great for taking care of garden clean-ups and firepit burns. We enjoyed the beautiful Harvest Moon this past week too.

The other day I spied Hootie! He was being chased by a couple of crows(?) which is what caught my eye. He even gave me time to set up my phone and let Gracie off the leash.

And aren't the leaves beautiful around him?
Speaking of walking, I happened to check my walking mileage on my phone app. 

Whoa! That's a lot of miles!

So that got me wondering how far exactly had I walked. Turns out I've walked quite a bit further than from New York City to San Francisco. So I played around and I'm over by 10 miles going from my house to New York City and then all the way to San Francisco from there. Guess I'm on my way back home from California! Lol!

Oh the things that entertain us, huh? Lol!

I finished up "All the Colors of the Dark" and now I've started "The Measure" by Nikki Erlick. It's the story of everyone in the world 22 and older getting a mysterious box dropped off where they live. Inside is a string which represents how long of a life they will live. Some get long strings (good) and some have short strings (panic!). Some of the people want to know their string length so open the box. Others do not. It tracks several different people and their reactions and their friends' reactions to this occurence. I'm only about 60 pages in but it's quite an interesting concept.

GoodReads Description HERE

I've been enjoying Survivor (so glad they gave Rome the boot last night! Haha!) and the World Series on TV. The family has been enjoying Tracker, Matlock, NCIS, Elsbeth, and also the game show Switch. Any new shows or series that have attracted your family?

Our prompt this week was do we enjoy going in haunted houses or watching scary movies? I've not visited any haunted houses but I don't think I'd enjoy it. They don't seem very real to me. Scary movies? Not so much on that either. Guess I'm more of a realist and they're mostly just weird to me. My mother would say I like scary books but only because I read Steven King. My favorites of his were "Pet Sematary" and "Misery" and "Christine". Guess those describe "scary" to me.

We'll be carving our pumpkins early next week and filling our pumpkin bowl with candy for the trick-or-treaters. I did make some delicious pumpkin bars with cream cheese frosting this week.

I hope you found something to entertain you here. You can find more likeable blogs through our hostess LeeAnna. Check out her blog HERE.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

RSC Deep Purple & Caramels

This week I counted up my pineapple blocks and, yes, I'm a little short of the 60 that I need. Of course, right now I can't remember how many short but last night I went ahead and started cutting fabrics for more. I made up the start of 5 more blocks. There will be two deep purple (almost brown) ones and three caramel-colored ones. (Yum! Caramels!)

Here's the work in progress. I'll get out my Sew Wonderful Curve ruler and start cutting this weekend and hopefully get a few more pineapples under my belt.

Have a great weekend, everybody! I'll be looking in on my Rainbow Scrap Challenge friends to see how they're coming along with finishing up 2024 projects. You can take a peek HERE also!

Thursday, October 17, 2024

I Like Thur #159

Happy Thursday, friends! I hope you've managed to find some happiness this past week. All you have to do is look around and I bet you find something to like. I'll share what I've sound this past week with you.

I've been reading Chris Whitaker's "All the Colors of the Dark" and have been enjoying it. It's beautifully written and reminds me of the style in "Where the Crawdads Sing". Of course the subject is entirely different but both are use colorful language.

The storyline in this book is interesting but I do find that it drags a bit at times. Maybe the prose is just a little too rich for me? I'm definitely curious to see how this one is going to end so I'll keep reading.

On the culinary front, I saved this recipe from a 2022 calendar and finally got around to making it. Truly a comfort dish!

I also saw a container of blueberries that seemed to be hanging out a little too long in the fridge so I made a lemon blueberry cake. So yummy and Mom really loved it!

You can find Carole's recipe on her From My Carolina Home blog right HERE. It's easy and delicious!

What has kept me very happy lately? I've been quilting up a top most recenly. I love free-motion quilting!! Here's a peek ....

Have you noticed lately how dark it stays in the morning? Gracie and I have been leaving a little later on our walks because it's just so dang dark still at 6:45. The other morning as the sun was starting to light up the sky, I noticed this beautiful X in the sky. I hope it brightens your day too!

Have a great Thursday, everyone! You can find more "interesting" things at LeeAnna's Not Afraid Of Color blog where we all share things to like.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Light Browns

Lori from Humble Quilts started a SAL a couple of weeks ago called Homestead which she is basing on an antique quilt. Of course I was late for the party because of all my recent company followed by a trip to NC for my niece's wedding. Luckily, she shared what fabrics/colors we might want to use before we left so I had a fabric pull ready to go when I got home.

Check out those RSC lights & browns!

When I got home, I checked out the first clue in the SAL and changed my mind on a few of my original fabrics. First up was pairs of 9-patches with a red center.

I quickly moved on to the second & third clues. I got the top assembled last night. It could use another good press.

I love it!!! I'm patiently awaiting the finishing and quilting suggestions she promised to share soon. I would have never put that green with the pink with the light brown, wavy print but I think it works.

Here's another picture of the top with the diamonds going the other way. What do you think?

I think it looks different turned even though it's the exact same top. Funny about perceptions, huh?

If you would like to read more about this SAL or join in, here's the link to get you started.

I hope you have a great weekend. I'll be working on something else until I get the last clue to Homestead!

Linking with Angela at SoScrappy.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

I Like Thursday #158

Happy Thursday once again and I've got a few "Likes" to share with you this week. I finished "The Little Liar" by Mitch Albom. What a fantastic book and I definitely recommend it if you can stomach the basis of the book. It held my interest all the way to the end.

Last Thursday, Mom & I headed to the library to return books finished while on vacation and to pick up new ones. I had placed a hold on "All the Colors of the Dark" by Chris Whitaker. It was recommended by my friend Vickie. I can say that it started off running! I'm only about 100 pages in with 500 to go but it's good so far.
GoodReads synopsis HERE

While we had visitors and then were on vacation, Survivor kicked off a new season. I'm finally caught up and I'm so happy that I had something to watch on TV. This week starts all the other shows, I believe.

This has been a busy, quilty week for me. On Monday was Quilt Club at my LQS and for once I won an attendance prize. Since I was the first name drawn I got first picks of 4 sweet sewing kits. I chose the pretty green & yellow lemon patterned one with the green gingham interior.

The scissors & pins were included!

Tuesday evening was my guild meeting. We had a LQS visit to give us a Christmas preview. It was so much fun and loaded with ideas and things to purchase. I was particularly happy to see that they had the Stripology Quickies book by Gundrun Erla (aka GEDesigns). I already had the book but they showed a couple of quilts that they had made up (and probably kitted) from the book.

Today is Rosemary's Tips & Techniques which is always a good group meeting. I'll report on that next week if anything interesting comes up from that.

Yesterday we picked out tub, shower, fixtures, and more for a master bathroom renovation. That was fun! I'm not really looking forward to the process but I am looking forward to the result.

LeeAnna asked us if we'd ever been on a hayride and did we like it. I have to say I've not been on a hayride and I don't think I'd like it. I understand that hay is very pokey and I wouldn't like that. Lol!

I hope you have a good week. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses along the way!

Linking up with other I Like Thurs bloggers HERE. Go ahead and check out their blogs too!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Rainbow Scrap Challenge Turned into FNwF

This is my first RSC post in quite a while. We had a lot of company the middle two weeks of September followed by our week-long trip at the end of September. Not much time to read or post blogs. Hopefully things will be settling down for a bit again.

While on the All-Illinois Shop Hop I picked up a scarecrow pattern to embroider. It is called My Fall Guy. I'm not going to show you a picture of the pattern because it is not a good picture. Why do pattern designers typically have the worst pictures on the covers of their patterns???? Anyway, I saw it done at a quilt shop and decided it would be a good project for on the road. Plus it's pretty dark so fits in with the RSC scheme of things.

He's a Long Fellow

Last night I worked on the leaves and the Xs at the bottom.

I started the Xs at the top also.

I managed this while watching the season opener to Survivor. Besides falling behind on my sewing, I'm also behind on the new shows for 2024! Lol!

I hope you have a great weekend. We have lovely weather here which I hope to enjoy myself!

Linking up with Angela at SoScrappy.