As promised last post, I'm sharing my vacation pictures. This is going to be an EXTREMELY picture-heavy post! You have been forewarned. Stop now if you haven't got the time. If you want to continue on with me, grab something to drink, maybe grab a cupful of M&Ms, or whatever else you may need to persevere through this!
Last month, my sister-in-law and 16-year-old niece (Kelli) from NC drove from a NJ softball tournament to St. Louis. From there, my mother & I joined them in Mom's van. We were headed to Denver CO for the next softball tournament and a visit with my sister, who lives there. Unfortunately, the only picture I took pertaining to softball was Kelli's thigh where she was hit by a pitch! Am I a great aunt or what!!!???
After the tournament was over, the four of us enjoyed a bit of sightseeing. We decided that the first thing we should do is hike a little in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. This little beauty (elk) decided it was worth her while to be VERY close to the trail in search of a bite to eat. After taking a few pictures, we carefully went around her & continued hiking.
Part of the reason we chose to do this hike first was so that we could show my SIL & Kelli the sight where Mom & Dad's ashes are to be scattered. Mom especially wanted to make sure that the 2nd generation knew the site in case this 1st generation doesn't make it to do the job! Hahaha! My mother's mother lived to be 96. If my mother lives that long, I'll be 71!! Probably not able to cart those ashes down the hall, let alone up a mountain!!! Way to think ahead, Mom!

Here's a picture of my 83-years-young mother resting at one day will be her final resting place. Morbid? I don't think so ... a fact of life!
Also a picture of my sister with the picturesque landscape behind her.
We were all pretty tired after that hike! Including Kelli! And even though Barclay, the dog, didn't go on this hike, he was quite comfortable taking a nap with Kelli!
The next day, we decided to head south to Colorado Springs. We stopped at the Bison Herd just off the interstate because they were so close to the fence. So many! Including babies! They are magnificently impressive animals!
Next stop was the United States Air Force Academy. Here's Kelli posing with the grounds behind her. In the next couple of years, her brother hopes to attend here!
While we were in the area and still had some time, we meandered to Garden of the Gods. This park is so-named because there are some REALLY BIG ROCKS here!!
Idea of how big the rocks are! |
Our gang posing! |
Big Rocks! |

A few days after Kelli and her mother left, Mom, Linda, my brother-in-law Greg, and I went to a local winery. Delicious as well as informative! to the left is a picture of some of the equipment necessary to make the wine and, on the right, is a picture of a cool idea of what to do with some of those leftover corks I've got! Keep this picture in mind ... you will see something like this again in the future! *wink*
Before I was to leave Colorado, Mom, Linda, and I decided we needed to get in one more hike. This time we included Barclay, my sister's young fox terrier. This was his 1st hike!!! He seemed especially nervous at first with all the strangers and other dogs, but he did just fine!
Here's the project I chose to work on while on vacation! It's called "Grand Old Flag" and it's a free pattern from Old Notforgotten Farm. Check out Lori's blog and look under Freebies! I stitched this on 32 ct. linen, stitching one thread over 2. I made my Betsy Ross a blond and so added the yellow to the basket and chair seat. I think it'll be a small pillow or possibly a pin keep.
While traveling home from Denver, I had a layover in Dallas. Wouldn't you know it was the day that Presidents Bush and Obama, along with Vice President Biden, were in Dallas for the slain policemen's memorial service. Ugh! Air Force One & Two were leaving as we were trying to also.That's their planes sitting across the tarmac from us. Delayed our takeoff about 20 minutes. Rats!

Look who visited when I came home -- Kelli! That's our "little Gracie" keeping her company and helping her catch fish. Kelli caught a fish 2-3 times larger than the one in the picture. Of course I didn't have my camera with me then, so this is the picture you get! Gracie & Kelli with a dinky fish! Hahaha!
And here's a PSA from me to you. Don't forget that sunblock! After years of sun worshipping through my teen years, this fair-skinned beauty is awaiting word on the biopsy once more on what that bump on my right nostril could be. I've already had some basal cell carcinoma (BCC) removed from the inside bridge of my nose about 15 years ago. And here we go again possibly!!!
Before biopsy |
After biopsy |
On a more fun note, August's APQ UFO Challenge is #6. This is the state of my table runner that I made using the scraps from my Riptide Quilt by GEDesigns. Surely I can get this quilted, bound, and labeled by the end of the month, right???? Maybe while I'm watching the Olympics! I know there is a lot of controversy over the Olympic Games but I'm still a Team USA Rooter!! I love the swimming, diving, gymnastics, and beach volleyball. Go, Team USA!!!
Have a great weekend. I'll sign off with one last vacation picture!