Whew! Finished my Loopy Academy projects just in time. Just uploaded the last one to their gallery. Man, I hate cutting it that close. I was a knitting demon the last couple of days. Hard to enjoy the process when all you can think about is "get 'er done!"

Here are the pictures of my Senior Spring Semester projects. We had to knit a sweater so I knit up this adorable baby sweater. I'm not real sure why it took me so long to block it and sew the buttons on but it did. We also were to knit anything in lace-weight yarn. I chose this lightweight sweater by Joji Locatelli. She's one of my favorite designers because her patterns are pretty and fairly easy without being boring. You can see in the picture that there was a little lacework on the back. Sweet! The sweater is called
Rocio and you can find it here. The other requirement for our senior projects was to knit anything in the brioche stitch. Well, I'd been wondering how to do that and wouldn't you know? Knitorious, a local yarn shop in St. Louis, had a demo one Saturday afternoon so I checked it out. Figured I'd get the lowdown upclose & personal before tackling a project. I chose this scarf but added two extra Xs. I hope it helped build some muscle memory for the decreases & increases in brioche knitting. While I enjoyed knitting the scarf (it ended up being 5" X 42"), I found that I really had to pay attention because I could mess up the stitching in a hurry! Is this scarf perfect? Heck no! It was my learning scarf.

Due to all the finishing of the knitting projects, I didn't get a whole lot else done. My May project for the APQ 2018 UFO Challenge fell by the wayside. Well, not exactly. I've been thinking about how to quilt it up and I do believe I have a plan so this will be on the front burners this month. In case you forgot what it looked like, here's a picture of it on the left. The folks at APQ chose #11 for June and here's a picture of it on the right. Looks like it needs that border finished up and possibly there is another border to be added? I will definitely be trying to make some progress on it also this month.
As for my Farmer's Wife Sampler blocks, I did manage to squeeze in a little time to work on a couple of the blocks. According to my photos, these are the ones accomplished this month:
#28 - Dolly |
#30 - Em |
#31 - Eva |
#32 - Fanny |
#33 - Farmer's Wife |
And last but not least, I got a bit done on Mosaics. I just can't keep my hands of this project! It is so fun and portable. Also in its favor, it doesn't require a lot of notions to work on it ... small scissors, thread, needles, leather-patch thimbles if I feel like putting one on, and the English Paper Pieces. I finished appliqueing down the first diamond border and have 36 more diamonds to tack together so they can be appliqued down. They're even bundled in order. Just need to take a little time to put them together. Knitting done so I'm READY!!
I'll close with a couple better pictures of my "Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue" quilt with the ribbon. The colors are a little more true in these. Plus I included a closeup of my quilting in the alternate blocks. I just love this quilt!
Polly & Gracie wish you a fantastic weekend!