Yes, you read that right. I actually finished a couple of my projects. Here's a picture of my knitted socks. Check out the colors on both. Matching up pretty good, wouldn't you say?
The yarn did all the color work but I had to make them match up. You do that at the very beginning. There's no pattern here. I knitted them two-at-a-time cuff-down. The only pattern I did was knit 4, purl 1. Simple, a little stretchy, pretty!
I put them in the flowers because I thought the sock colors went well with the vincas and zinnias.
I also managed to finish the binding on My Gold Star. I rinsed it, blocked it, and hung it. Yay!
A few pictures of the quilting are also in order.
I really love it. It'll hang in my guild's quilt show coming up next June!
While Week 3 has been posted in the Dresden Quilt Workshop Quilt-a-Long (hereafter known as DQW), I'm still working on Week 2. It's not too late to join in. You can find all the details HERE, including how to buy a fabric kit or how much fabric you'll need if going to your stash. Suzn Quilts is our hostess and the pattern designer. She did her quilt in Jen Kingwell fabrics. I decided to use up some of my French General fabric. I'll need to use some other fabrics as well, being careful that they blend in OK. Here's a picture of my start.
These adorable dresdens are sewn onto 5" squares. Teeny! Our next assignement is due Wednesday but I have company coming in tomorrow right through Labor Day and leaving the following Friday. Yup! Gonna be behind! Oh well, such is life.
I just had a thought: you could click on the DQW link and probably be way ahead of me before I start the next step! Haha!
In the meantime, I figured I'd better get another project lined up, one that doesn't require much thought, one that can be worked on while enjoying my company. I think this little embroidery will fill the bill! It's called Liberty by Kathy Schmitz. I traced it up on my light box, a Christmas gift from my daughter not too long ago, backed it with muslin, picked out my thread, and got a few stitches in. What do you think? Think I'll have it done by next 4th of July? Lol?
Linking up with Movin' It Forward Monday! Link found HERE!