While I didn't get any light/lime green scraps sewn, I did make some RSC progress. If you recall from a previous post I noticed that I had forgotten to make the Lotus Bloom blocks for dark blue month and also the orange month. So here they are!
I also noticed some missing parts on one of the Afternoon Delight applique blocks. I went to work and the block went from this in July:
To this now:
I also finished this block:
And then I started and finished this one! I was on a roll! This completes all 40 of the applique blocks! YIPPEE!
In between the stitching, I found time to get inside our house ready for Fall. Want to take a peek at a few quilty decorations?
Of course, you met BOO recently. It hangs in the dining room.
I took out the patriotic middle of this painted wooden wreath and replaced it with the pumpkin. My BFF made this for me a long time ago. It hangs in the kitchen.
Just inside the front door is this little shelf with a changeable quilty cross stitch framed. Next to it is a monthly cross stitch pillow that my cousin got me one year for Christmas. The black frame is one of those wireless thermometer things.
Witch's Boot hangs in the kitchen over Gracie's food bowl.
This little Buttermilk Pattern hangs over the downstairs toilet to greet Fall.
These little wool pillows sit on the back of the downstairs toilet covered with a tiny 10-minute Autumnal runner.
This embroidery with wool applique hangs on the bathroom wall. The buttons were from my grandmother's button collection.

Let's get a little closer so you can read it.
My wool kitchen "curtain".
A fun quilt hangs over the couch. Spooky pillow sits on the back of the couch to keep the little black kitty company. Ha!
Hanging in the hallway, this looks very Fall-ish to me. I love how I quilted the background with different motifs in sections.
I absolutely LOVE this wool applique wall hanging. I took a class with my sister quite a few years ago. Our instructors were The Quilted Crows from Australia. We were supposed to use a 1/4 yard of wool for background but I accidentally bought a fat quarter. I had to redesign the original pattern from a long table runner to this square wall hanging. My sister's project is beautiful too and she managed to keep to the pattern. When I see my wall hanging or her table runner, it makes me smile every time. We enjoyed that class a lot.
That's the trip around my house all decked out for the new season. I'm leaving for retreat tomorrow so I had to hustle to get the decorations up. I hope you enjoyed the trip as much as I'll be enjoying sewing with friends!
Here's a peek at what one of the projects I plan working on at retreat. Autumn Jubilee is well underway and the first sewing steps landed yesterday. It's not too late to join. All you have to do is go HERE!
Top of Photo: My starched and ready-to-go Fall fabrics Bottom of Photo: Cut and ready-to-sew pieces for the Maple Leaf blocks. |
Look out retreat friends! Here I come and I'm ready to start sewing the first set of blocks!
Linking up with Angela at SoScrappy.