Saturday, March 15, 2025


Finally I can join with a yellow post! It's not that I don't love yellow (because I do!). I just haven't sat down with that pile of scraps and here I am going to an all-day class today. So much for yellow today, but that's alright. There's still half a month left to go!

All packed & ready to go with a bit of yellow
I have joined in with a mystery quilt at my LQS. Of course I jumped all in to make the queen-sized one! Ha! Because I missed the February meeting, this month I picked up Feb & March clues. I also needed to decide how I wanted to proceed -- go all-in scrappy or maybe one-color scrappy. In the end, Fred helped me to decide with one-color: yellow. Doesn't that work out nicely for March's RSC color!

March Clue just about finished
January Clue seen upper left

Three out of ten sets done for February Clue

Bits & pieces waiting for a trim

So glad I got to play with a little yellow this month. Hopefully I can sew a bit more this last half of March.

Have a great weekend. Hopefully last night's major storm (complete with hail) left my neighbors and friends unscathed. It was a rough one, for sure! I'll be linking up with Angela at SoScrappy as soon as I return from my class this afternoon.

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