Thursday, May 18, 2023

I Like Thursdays #114

It's been a while since I posted last (AGAIN!) but my daughter came into town the Wednesday before last. She and her two kitties. Besides being here for Mother's Day, Sarah also came in for a work-related conference right here in St. Louis. Actually, she has been at the conference since Monday and I'm expecting her return sometime today. She'll leave for her VA home on Saturday. Boo! Hoo! But we've had fun and that certainly counts for an I Like Thurs post!

Last Friday I thought it would be fun to go to the St. Louis Botanical Garden. We've lived here almost 20 years now and I've never been. PLUS they were having a collection of Chihuly Art scattered throughout the gardens. (You can read about Dale Chihuly HERE. ) About 12 years ago we had tried to see some of his work in Nashville at a Hoover Family Reunion and got rained out. I thought it would be nice to try again. Oh my! So much beauty! I will say that the gardens will probably look a little better as it is very early in the growing season around here still. But we were certainly not disappointed! Here are some of the pictures we took:

And now for a few select pictures. By the prairie gardens, there was a wagon that Sarah climbed right up in.

Fred & I jumped into this "vehicle".

Here's a bit of trivia for you that -- George Washington Carver was born in Missouri! My group was stunned since we associated him with peanuts and therefore with Georgia. Turns out he died in AL but GA is closer to AL than MO! Anyway, the Botanical Garden had a fountain with George Washington Carver's bronze statue and some of his sayings leading the way into the tribute area. I took a picture of the two sayings that I found especially meaningful.

"No individual has any right to come into this world and go out of it without leaving behind him
distinct and legitimate reasons for having passed through it."
"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,
compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong.
Because someday in your life you will have been all of these."

While Sarah has been here she spied Mrs. Mallard passing through our yard with two little ducklings in tow. Mr. Mallard was close behind securing the rear. I like seeing the wildlife in the yard and also on the trail.

Mrs. Robin had her nest under our deck once again this year. Here are the babies on May 7. So sweet!

Glad I snapped a picture because on May 9th, the nest looked like this.

Tuesday I had the chance to sit and play at my sewing machine for a little bit. Penny (one of Sarah's kitties) was doing her best to help me keep a straight 1/4" sewing line.

Gracie has been having a great time keeping up with all the unusual activity in and around our home lately.

I hope today your smile is as wide as Gracie's and you have  a wonderful week! I'm linking up with everyone else on LeeAnna's blog -- Not Afraid of Color -- this week.


  1. Wow! That garden tour looks like fun! I have seen some of his work in person. Amazing! Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  2. The Chihuly exhibit at our botanic garden was wonderful! So glad you were able to enjoy the exhibit in St. Louis with your daughter. Fun to see the duck and babies!

  3. gracie!!! so pretty! Your close encounter is with GWC statue! how fun... LeeAnna

  4. Chihuly glass is amazing. What a fun collection you saw! Looks like it was an enjoyable outing all around. Lots of good stuff.

  5. Lovely post, Susie. Lots of goodies to read about. The Quebec very large fancy casino-I was there once for dinner, is decorated with Chihuly light fixtures...they are gorgeous. Very neat outing for the three of you. Love both of those quotes and enjoyed seeing your photos. I have several robins combing my lawn for worms. Neat to capture the young ones. They do grow fast! Sweet Gracie!

  6. Your trip to the botanical gardens looks like so much fun! Glad you had some sewing supervision, too - those kitties can be purrsnickety about those seams! What a beautiful pup!

  7. The St Louis Botanical Garden is beautiful! It's so nice you got to visit again. Gracie looks like she's taking the visit in stride! Glad you got to enjoy your daughter and her kitties!
