Saturday, June 29, 2024

So Ends RSC Blue for June -- AND A FINISH!!

As the end of June is almost here, it's time for a bit of a wrap-up for the month of June. Angela chose BLUES for our Rainbow Scrap Color for the month and that meant time to pull out Rainbow Pineapple blocks, a quilt I started in 2023. Here are the three pineapple blocks I managed this month.
Three Blue Pineapple Blocks for June 2024

Close-Up Picture
I thought it might be fun to see what all of my 2024 blocks look like together.
A Field of Happy, Scrappy Pineapples!

Red Threads SAL has been progressing. Here are the embroidery blocks I completed this week.
Sweet Wren

More Wheat! Ack!

You may recall I won a Go! Baby AccuQuilt Cutter in 2022. I then decided to join the AccuQuilt Club at my LQS to learn about my "new toy". This past month, for Summer and all the Patriotic Holidays during Summer, it was suggested we make the Tumbler Flag using whatever size tumbler we have. Well, a 4-1/2" tumbler was included with the Go! Baby so that's what I used. Of course, I went scrappy. It turned out a bit larger than I anticipated. The pattern says it finishes at 28" x 48".
Scrappy Patriotic Tumbler Flag - 28x48

Some of the Free-Motion Quilting Done
on My Domestic Machine

Some of the Scrappy Reds & Whites

Had Some Stars Fabric in My Stash
Extra Tumblers were Made From a
Denim-Colored FQ Won in a Drawing

Leftover Gray Backing Fabric Worked Great
with Some Stars Printed in the Background

So see!!?? I got a finish! I got a finish! Yay me!!!! This sweet quilt will hang in the hallway until after Labor Day. (The blue field of stars keeps with the June RSC theme! *wink*)

Wishing you a terrific final June weekend. We've had a bit of rain here in the St. Louis area and a little cooler temps lately. Hopefully the weather will be cool enough for some greatly missed cook-outs in the near future!

Linking up with all the Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilters on Angela's blog, SoScrappy.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

I Like Thursday #146

This week's list starts out with the yard. So many things have been happening there lately to share. Let's start with some critters in my front yard.

Woodpecker eating peanuts and various birds eating seed.
Look closely and see yellow finches eating the seeds from the spent flowers

In the backyard, Gracie found a turtle. This turtle had been digging in the yard with what I presume was an egg-laying activity!

Here she is leaving

This is what she left behind

Upon closer inspection ...

Can't have an "I Like Thursday" post without a mention of Mom. We hit up one of our favorite lunch spots for their daily special of fried chicken and mashed potatoes.
Happy Campers

It's been so very hot lately everywhere. My son sent this video to show us how the grandkids in MD stay cool. Bet you giggle too!

Jacob Had a Great Day at Day Care This Week!

Our prompt from our hostess this week: Does Summer bring about any changes in your life/routine? Nope! We're retired. Every day is Saturday! Lol!!!

Sharing with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color and all the other Thursday Likers! Have yourselves a great finish to your week!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Blues, Browns, & Tumblers!

I've been trying to catch up on all things quilting, including this blog. I was absent due to a trip to be with Brody on his 5th birthday and then a couple days later my niece for a bridal shower. You can catch up on those events HERE if you like but I warn you -- it is very picture heavy.

Since this is my quilty blog, let's get down to business. Working on my Red Threads (which I'm doing in brown), my latest ones are shown below.

Last night was Friday Night Sew In with Wendy & Friends. I traced out a couple more Red Threads blocks and got to work on one. Here's my progress from yesterday.

I'm still working on pineapple blocks and trying to keep up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Any shade of blue was selected for June's activities so here we are. I need to dig through my green scraps and get the tops sewn on these pineapples. I think they turning out pretty good!

My friend Sharon & I go to an AccuQuilt Club monthly and it was suggested we make Tumbler Flags using our dies. Let me just say that these tumblers went together beautifully! I'm just about finished with the quilting on this project and then I'll need to sew on the binding. I think I'll have it finished by Club meeting this Thursday, don't you?
The Stars were Fussy-Cut

There is also a block that I'll need to make for the exchange and that should also go together in a snap.

We are hot, hot, hot here in the St. Louis area. I know we are not the only region suffering from the heat but, really, it's a super chore to walk the dog in the mornings. Looking forward to some relief one day ....

Linking up with Wendy at Sugarlane Designs to see how everyone's Friday Night Sew In went. Then on to Angela at SoScrappy to see how my Blues Sisters are doing with their RSC projects!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

I Like Thurs #145

WARNING: Very picture heavy!

We are back from a quick trip back East again. Brody turned 5 on June 5 and my daughter's birthday was right around the corner on the 10th. So we decided to be there to celebrate!

Birthday Boy

Birthday Girl

While visiting, we had the chance to watch a couple of Brody's T-Ball games.

Brody Ready to Play Ball

Smack That Ball!

Brody's Biggest Fan, Jacob

As it turned out, Brody's team ended up in 1st place after we left. Here's the picture we received later.
We're Number ONE!

We enjoyed our three days with the family. Our grandsons are so much fun!

Jacob Loved the Candy I Shared
With Him From Aunt Linda

Story Time with Grampa

Light Off

Light On!

We spent three days in Maryland and then we were off to North Carolina for my niece's bridal shower on the 8th. 

Cool, HUGE Mobile at the Welcome Center

More family time!
Bride-to-Be's Arrival

Mother of the Bride, Jennifer (Bride-to-Be),
Grandmother (Mom) on Father's Side
Nana (Grandmother) on Mother's Side

Jennifer with Me & Mom

Mom with Sister of the Bride, Kelli

I won these Hugs & Kisses by guessing how many were in the jar.

I Loved this Shirt!

Surprise Visit from John III
All the Way From NM!

The next day we left to visit my brother. He stayed home to work because he wasn't invited to the bridal shower. No boys allowed! Lol! We got a quick visit to the home he & Karen are having built. Should be ready by the end of summer and it's going to be beautiful!
Planting Sweet Potatoes


View from the Master Bedroom Window -
You Can Just See the Lake through the Trees!

Of course I had to take a couple pictures of his vegetable garden at his current house.
Jalapeno Peppers

2nd Crop of Lettuce with Okra in the Back

Tomatoes & Bell Peppers

Corn, Okra, & Mustard Greens

More Tomatoes

Green Beans

Zucchini and Cucumbers

He was harvesting beets while we were there. I forgot the ones he had ready for me to take home! Rats!

Polly was happy when we returned home. She's not crazy about the stranger that came to feed her while we were gone.
Polly Hiding Behind the Couch
While Cat Sitter was Visiting

So Glad You're Home!

This past week we celebrated Mom's 91st birthday. I made chocolate cupcakes with buttercream frosting from scratch. There were even pink sprinkles and a lit candle while we sang the birthday song to her!
Another Birthday Girl!

Make a Wish!

My own flowers really shot up while we were gone. I grow non-edibles, much to my brother's dismay. Lol!


Close-up of the Oakleaf Hydrangea

Oakleaf Hydrangea
Limelight Hydrangea In Back

That brings you up-to-date with our goings on. LeeAnna's I Like prompt this week is "camp". I didn't go to summer camp and didn't know anyone else that did. I once heard that two of my cousins went but they are quite a bit older than me so it didn't really affect me.

I finished "The Frozen River" and I loved it. This is a very interesting book with a mystery running in the background. Highly recommend it. My current book is "Yellowface" by R. F. Kuang. It started out strong but, I don't know. It feels like it is dragging along right now and I'm about 1/3 into it. I'll keep you posted.

You can see what other "Likers" have posted on LeeAnna's Not Afraid of Color blog. There's bound to be way more interesting things to read about other than my family adventures! Hahaha!

Have a great finish to your week!