Thursday, June 27, 2024

I Like Thursday #146

This week's list starts out with the yard. So many things have been happening there lately to share. Let's start with some critters in my front yard.

Woodpecker eating peanuts and various birds eating seed.
Look closely and see yellow finches eating the seeds from the spent flowers

In the backyard, Gracie found a turtle. This turtle had been digging in the yard with what I presume was an egg-laying activity!

Here she is leaving

This is what she left behind

Upon closer inspection ...

Can't have an "I Like Thursday" post without a mention of Mom. We hit up one of our favorite lunch spots for their daily special of fried chicken and mashed potatoes.
Happy Campers

It's been so very hot lately everywhere. My son sent this video to show us how the grandkids in MD stay cool. Bet you giggle too!

Jacob Had a Great Day at Day Care This Week!

Our prompt from our hostess this week: Does Summer bring about any changes in your life/routine? Nope! We're retired. Every day is Saturday! Lol!!!

Sharing with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color and all the other Thursday Likers! Have yourselves a great finish to your week!


  1. Look at all those birds - love that sight! Especially the goldfinches. Playing with the hose with as few clothes on as possible - those were the days! Lunch sounds yummy and I agree, when you're retired, every day feels like Saturday.

  2. Cute video! It was perfect for an I Like Thursday post!
