Thursday, September 12, 2024

I Like Thursday #155

Hello! Today is Thursday and that means it's time for a group of us to share all things fun, funny, or just plain fantastic with other blog readers. I hope you find something here that strikes your fancy. If you'd like to read what others may be sharing, head over to LeeAnna's blog and enjoy right HERE.

I finished my book "Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Journey". It was quite an interesting tale. Would I normally have picked this book out? No. Would I recommend this book? Not necessarily. It was OK and I enjoyed most of it. I read this book on the recommendation of my daughter.

I have recently started "The Lost" by Claire McGowan. It should be a more-usual book for me to read since it's a thriller/mystery. The author is Irish and the story takes place in Ireland. This makes some of the book hard for me to understand in places because of the dialog. Oh well, I'm at least getting the jist of story. 
GoodReads Synopsis
My friend left this morning -- not a part of the Likes! -- but I have a couple of pictures of her teacup yorkie Daisy.
Daisy Loved Mom

Daisy Goes Where Vickie Goes

I made a peach pie from SC peaches Vickie brought with her. I just used the recipe from AllRecipes. I let Pillsbury do the work of the crusts for me.

Here's a recipe I got for Cherry Pie Bars from my friend Treva at the last sleep-in-your-bed retreat. It was DELICIOUS!

I'm sure there was a prompt but, due to the usual busy-ness plus company coming through, I'm a bit behind on emails not to mention blog reading. I apologize for not being 100% current but that's life!

I hope you have a great weekend planned. We are expecting rain from Hurricane Francine. Sounds like there could be some sewing time for me!!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

I Like Thursday #154

Hello, hello! I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend and are ready to jump right into enjoying the last of Summer and welcoming in Autumn. I love this time of year when the weather is fickle and mild temps are a wonderful surprise!

My friend Vickie spent the night here Tuesday night on her way to Omaha NE. Since she has to go home again, we'll see her again next week. The next visit will be more than a night. YAY!

I love Blue Bell ice cream. We were introduced to it when my husband was stationed with the USAF in FL. Illinois has finally brought it in and it was on sale over the long weekend. Here's a peek into my shopping cart. Yippee!

The white paper bag holds a doughnut. Living in St. Louis Cardinals Country has perks. Our grocery store gives you a free doughnut the day after a Cardinal hits a homerun in the game the night before. They call this program "Doughnuts for Dingers"! Thank you, Paul "Goldie" Goldschmidt!
While on our walk one morning, I admired the sun in this tree. I was amazed to see the leaf stems were red! Can you see that?
I also spied this beautiful lichen(?) on our morning walk. It was quite large, about 6-8" across. I don't believe I've seen one that large before. Isn't it pretty?
Did you know that last Monday was not only Labor Day but also National Hot Dog Day? I made dogs, onion rings, and zucchini. It was delicious!

Our prompt this week was what calming exercises have we successfully used in the past to maintain a level mood. Hmmm, that's a good one and I don't know if I can answer that. I can tell you that sometimes, when I have a hard time getting back to sleep, I remember how wonderful and relaxing I would feel while floating on my back at the beach in Hawaii. The motion of the waves, the sun on my front, and the smells of a beach were wonderful. If I concentrate hard enough, I can almost pretend that I am floating there again and that makes me relaxed enough to fall back asleep ... sometimes.

Have a great end to your week! If you have a minute, stop by LeeAnna's blog to see what other bloggers have experienced this past week.