Saturday, September 21, 2024

RSC Dark and I Like Thursday #156

Things have been hopping around here lately. Last week my friend visited and this past week my son and his family arrived. Grammy & Grampa forgot how busy a house with two boys (ages 5 and 2-1/2) running around can be. It's all been fun but left me lacking time to post on my blog or even to sew!

In between visits I started to finish a UFO from many, many years ago. My friend had given me a kit making six Christmas placemats. When it came to the finishing,  I didn't understand the directions and sat it aside ... until now. This is the year to git 'er done!

Amazing how after giving the project years to marinate turned into a pretty simple frame around each mat. I just didn't get it and was afraid to start cutting the fabric. So here is one of the six. They just need the final quilting in the middle and that ought to take about 60 minutes.

The red on the right-hand side
is a silverware/napkin pocket

I hope to have all six 100% completed before we leave next week for my niece's wedding in North Carolina.

As for I Like Thursday -- you guessed it! Grandkids!!!

Jacob Found Grammy's Post-Its

Brody is Almost as Tall as GG!

Get Your Feet on Right, Jacob

Fun Times

Fist Bump with Grampa for Gummies

Cheers to Grammy & Jacob

Cheers to Grammy & Brody!

That's life in the fast lane and we wouldn't have it any other way! I hope you have some excitement brewing in your lives as well. Have a good weekend!

I Like Thursday: Linking with LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Linking with Angela at SoScrappy

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