Thursday, September 5, 2024

I Like Thursday #154

Hello, hello! I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend and are ready to jump right into enjoying the last of Summer and welcoming in Autumn. I love this time of year when the weather is fickle and mild temps are a wonderful surprise!

My friend Vickie spent the night here Tuesday night on her way to Omaha NE. Since she has to go home again, we'll see her again next week. The next visit will be more than a night. YAY!

I love Blue Bell ice cream. We were introduced to it when my husband was stationed with the USAF in FL. Illinois has finally brought it in and it was on sale over the long weekend. Here's a peek into my shopping cart. Yippee!

The white paper bag holds a doughnut. Living in St. Louis Cardinals Country has perks. Our grocery store gives you a free doughnut the day after a Cardinal hits a homerun in the game the night before. They call this program "Doughnuts for Dingers"! Thank you, Paul "Goldie" Goldschmidt!
While on our walk one morning, I admired the sun in this tree. I was amazed to see the leaf stems were red! Can you see that?
I also spied this beautiful lichen(?) on our morning walk. It was quite large, about 6-8" across. I don't believe I've seen one that large before. Isn't it pretty?
Did you know that last Monday was not only Labor Day but also National Hot Dog Day? I made dogs, onion rings, and zucchini. It was delicious!

Our prompt this week was what calming exercises have we successfully used in the past to maintain a level mood. Hmmm, that's a good one and I don't know if I can answer that. I can tell you that sometimes, when I have a hard time getting back to sleep, I remember how wonderful and relaxing I would feel while floating on my back at the beach in Hawaii. The motion of the waves, the sun on my front, and the smells of a beach were wonderful. If I concentrate hard enough, I can almost pretend that I am floating there again and that makes me relaxed enough to fall back asleep ... sometimes.

Have a great end to your week! If you have a minute, stop by LeeAnna's blog to see what other bloggers have experienced this past week.


  1. Mmm. Ice cream! Those all look like great flavors! I'm a sucker for onion rings - those look good, too! I like that lichen/fungus. Reminds me of Turkey Tail (but not quite the right colors).

    1. Can you believe I've had that ice cream now for over 2 days and still have not cracked one open??? Lol! I hope you're having a good start to your weekend. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Good morning, Susie and Happy Thursday. What a wonderful photo of you and Vickie. It is good to hear that you both will enjoy a longer visit in just a few days. Mmmm Blue Bell ice cream is the bomb! It is one of my favorites too. Free doughnuts - how wonderful! Dreaming of the beach and floating along with the waves is a wonderful way to relax. Have a blessed day. Hugs.

    1. Good morning to you too, Melisa. Yes, ice cream, doughnuts, friends, and waves -- pure Heaven on Earth! Thank you for taking time to stop by. I wish you a wonderful day.

  3. Those stems are so pretty. Are that way all year or just in the fall?

    1. I never noticed them being red before so I can't really say. Maybe they're that way always and the sunlight just happened to be at the perfect angle right then? Not sure but Gracie & I sure loved seeing those vibrant stems that morning. Hope you're having a good end to your week!

  4. When I'm at the doctor and they're taking my blood pressure, I try to do that - picture myself by the ocean, listening to the waves, watching the sunset. It helps a little! Blue Bell ice cream is yummy, too - we had it in Texas. And how fun to get a free doughnut for their homeruns. That's very generous!

    1. I'll be we're both dreaming of the same ocean -- you in the Pacific on the west coast and me in the Pacific off Hawaii! Same relaxing feeling. I do have to say we are crazy about our Cardinals ballteam. However, we've not had a good year in quite a while and they say the stands are not filling up like they used to be. Hopefully we'll be able to get something going in the future. We've got a good team but leadership isn't so good. Oh well! I'll just dream "at the beach" of winning the Series! Lol! Hope you're having a good end to your week.

  5. What fun to have a friend stop and spend the night! I’ve heard of Blue Bell Ice Cream, I’m not sure if our stores carry it or not. I’ll have to check. We usually just buy the cheap stuff! I’ve never seen lichen like that before. We’re not wet enough in this high plains deserts we call home! Very interesting! That relaxation technique you described, sounds like the Guided Imagery they taught us at Cancer Treatment Centers of America. It did work for me too!

    1. Life's a beach, right? Lol! Glad you found a technique that worked for you. Cancer treatments must be very stressful and relaxation has got to be good for the body & soul. Enjoy your ice cream -- whatever brand you can get your spoon into! It is definitely the downfall to my diet! hahaha!

  6. Doesn't it make you grateful when you notice little things like red stems and pretty lichen? :)

  7. I like everything about this post. The ice cream and the hot dog dinner! The lichen you found is very interesting to see. I hate waking up during the night and not being able to get back to sleep. I love that you can imagine the waves from Hawaii. So nice!

  8. Thank you, Rosemary. Truly the little things make life worthwhile.
