Thursday, January 23, 2025

I Like Thursday #167

Thursdays are good days to reflect on good things in our lives. LeeAnna gets us together each week to share these things. You can see what others have posted HERE.

My cross-stitch project was finished this week and I managed to get it set for hanging. Here it is in my entryway.

New Cross-Stitch Project Hanging
with the Winter Embroidery.
Pattern by Kathy Schmitz

I started the next cross-stitch in the series already too. I need to get as many of these done as soon as possible. The count is very tiny and my eyesight will not be able to handle many more of these. Lol!

This week I finished reading "The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah. It was a super book and truly worth reading.
I was glad I finished it when I did as my next eBook was ready to check out. It is called "The God of the Woods" by Liz Moore. It was recommended by one of my blog friends and looked like a good one to read. I'll let you know as I dig into it soon.
GoodReads Synopsis HERE

I had a little time the other afternoon and broke out another puzzle. It was only 500 pieces and I figured it would be a good "confidence builder". It was!
Sushi Puzzle

The other day I posted this picture of the current weather as I was walking out the door to take Gracie for a walk. Note how cold it was, including the Feels Like temperature.

Here's a picture from my phone on the coldest day this week that Gracie and I walked. Brrrrrr!

We are actually warming up over the next few days to high temps in the 30s and 40s. There's a rumor that we may even hit 50 on Saturday! Bring out the bermudas! hahaha!

Wednesday afternoon, Hubby hollared for me to look out the window. Look what we saw! I guess they were very hungry as they were heading towards out bird feeders to see what they could scrounge.

Television-watching was good this week. As you know I've been enjoying the Australian Open. I absolutely love watching the tennis and watching out for rising stars. I hope to see more of Learner Tien from the USA. He's only 18 and has really made an impression on us all with his talent.

We also were glued to the tube on Monday watching the Inauguration of our 47th President. We are loving how he seems to enjoy talking and joking around with the press. It's good to see a president taking questions, answering them to the best of his ability, and smiling the whole time. This house is hoping that our country is turning a corner for the better. Having hope is another thing to like too!

Speaking of hope, I hope you're having a good week too. I have my monthly sleep-in-your-bed retreat coming up later this week and that is truly one of my best "likes"!

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