If you like heat, you would like our temperatures lately. We are hot & humid here in the Midwest. We have been near or over 100 degrees and the Muggy Meter (that's what our weather folks call it) has been in the dangerous zone. Combining our temps & dew points, which are in the 70s, we have Feels Like temperatures of 110 to 112. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! But enough of that. This post is about things I've liked over the past 7 days.
Let's start with food. There's usually a like or two there and this week was no exception. One night we dined on teriyakied chicken wings. I LOVE WINGS & KABOBS so I stuck the wings on skewers and hubby grilled them up perfectly!! My kabobs have got to include bell peppers. Mushrooms are always good too but we didn't have any in the house that night. Served with it was Copycat KFC Macaroni Salad. My family loves this recipe and I may have shared it in the past!
No new recipe here. Just showing off our local corn on the cob, burger with a local, Amish yellow tomato, and hot & spicy garlic pickles also made locally. We like this food and we like supporting our local community. Win-win!
Last week I started reading Matt Haig's "How to Stop Time". He's the same author as "The Midnight Library" which I really liked. This book is similar in a strange, different-kind-of-life way. I'm liking the imagination of Matt Haig.
GoodReads synopsis HERE |
Wildlife here has been good this week too. The birds have been enjoying the birdbath, splashing about and drinking. It's been hard to keep it filled with all the heat. I did catch this little golden finch grabbing a few seeds from the front garden flowers.
Out the back window (sorry about the picture being taken through the screen) I spied an unusual bird on top of the bird patio arch. After misidentifying it, my daughter corrected us. Meet this green heron. While we see great blue herons fairly often, I had to look up the green heron. I learned from www.birdzilla.com that the "green herons are the smallest of the four species and are identified by their dark greenish-blue back and wings, chestnut-colored neck, and distinctive crest on their head." I also learned from our IL bird book that green herons visit our area only during the summer.
I must also include a non-Like this week. Mom teetered when standing up and lost her balance. She hurt her shoulder on impact and also split her skin over her eye. Our local hospital ER declared no concussion but did feel she needed stitches and gave her four. Of course, after 48 hours she has a lovely black eye to go with her Frankenstein eyebrow!
Still smiling! |
Mom keeps repeating how lucky she was that 1. it was her left shoulder (she's right-handed), and 2. she didn't break anything (she has osteoporosis). I like her attitude!
If you need your lawn mowed, I can send in help. Lol!
Brody to the Rescue! |
Here's hoping you had a likeable week too!
Thank you to LeeAnna for once again giving us the opportunity to share our LIKES!