Saturday, September 2, 2023

Yellow Pineapples Finished

I was lucky enough to spend a couple of days retreating last weekend with my friends. This means I got to catch up on a few things. The first thing I did was get all four of the RSC yellow pineapples completed. Here they are in all their glorious sunny splendor!

Then I figured, since Labor Day was quickly approaching, I'd better get my "summer" Chubby Charmer bag finished. So I did.

Minnick & Simpson Charm Pack

Inside has a nice pocket, divided for my phone

Have you heard about Primitive Gatherings "Twilight Stars QAL"? I'm working on that too. I figured it's only two blocks a week. Shouldn't be too much to ask for, right? Here are last week's 8" finished blocks.

Lovely turquoise, eh?

Later during the week, I really, really wanted to get caught up with Uptown. August block looked to be easy but had a lot of edges to applique. Finished it on Wednesday -- one day to spare before the September block was released on Friday! Yippee!

The final block was released as promised along with the finishing instructions. Lots to keep me busy to get this done.

And that brings you up to speed with my doings. I hope to catch up with what the other quilters are doing, particularly with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge people. September's color is turquoise and it's usually a favorite!

Have a great Labor Day weekend and be safe!


  1. Glad you had time to finish up your yellow pineapples! That bag is fun, too. I'm thinking it's time to make myself a new one. Your block for the Uptown QAL is a pretty one! It will be fun to see how you put those together.

  2. I've been watching those Twilight Stars each week and have been so tempted. Stars are my favorite! Your are really pretty.

  3. I'm collecting ideas for next year's RSC. The Primitive Gatherings QAL you are working on has great possibilities. Love the idea of a 4" sq block inside an 8" star. My mind is churning. Your blocks are so, so tempting.

  4. I love those stars! The pineapples and the bag are cute, too, but those stars-- oh, my!

  5. Your pineapples look great as does that bag which looks really useful. Nice blocks and applique. xx

  6. Chubby Charmer bag? SEW cute and look at those gorgeous new blocks!!
