Thursday, November 16, 2023

I Like Thursday #128

Well, it's been a while since I posted on I Like Thursday but there is always something happy to find. Some days you just have to look a little harder is all. One of the best ways to feel good is to read about what others have found "happy" and that's what I'll do too. Just hop on over to LeeAnna's blog where other happy-sharing folks link up too.

We recently took a trip to see family. Who could not be happy here?

Brody watching Wheel of Fortune with Grandpa
and eating gummi bears

I got love from Jacob

Brody likes his back rubbed. Grammy is good at that!

Brody went to the pumpkin patch and brought
home a Giant Pumpkin

Anniversary Date Night
(Grammy & Grandpa watched the kids)

Grammy got to play Monster Trucks with Brody

Grammy took Sadie & Jacob for a walk.
Jacob likes to stand in the wagon to
see where he's going

Brody & Jacob's Halloween Costumes
Brody - Ghost Buster
Jacob - Slime

Family Portrait
before we hit the road

We also visited my brother's family.

Mom, John, Fred, & me
checking out John & Karen's
future homesite

A Boy & His Mama

Jennifer & Chris

Kelli & Hunter
The girls had a wedding to attend

Picture of my Garden
Before we left on the trip

We did not get to see my brother's son but there was exciting news to be shared!

Will you marry me?

She said YES!!!

Lovely Rock!
Of course she said yes. Lol!

John III & Katharine - So Happy

I love Fall. I love being outdoors in the cool, sunny weather even if it means raking Mom's yard.
Lots of leaves

Filled the can with ground-up leaves
Looks good!

Right before our trip, my BFF came to visit for a week with a 5-day retreat scheduled in there. We went to Kinderhook Lodge with about 15 others and enjoyed our time together. Kinderhook is located in Illinois but very close to the river. On the other side of the river is Hannibal MO, home of Mark Twain. Vickie & I took a walk to see the Mark Twain statue on the water and check out this river cruise boat. We agreed to do this one day.
Mark Twain Statue
American River Cruise

Polly sort of liked Vickie - Lol!

I usually find something to admire while I walk Gracie. On this day I spied these lovely asters. Aren't they a beautiful shade of purple?

I'm sure LeeAnna gave us a prompt but, the renegade that I am at times, I won't follow today. This post has gone on long enough. Hopefully you can understand why I've been so neglectful of my I Like Thursday posts  now.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your week. We are looking forward to another nice weekend here IL!


  1. Looks a very fun trip, filled with lots of family time! Glad you spend time with those grand boys, too - they are really growing. Lots of leaf pickup at our house over the last few weeks. I think we have one more load!

  2. This post was filled with love and happiness, Susie. You have such a beautiful family. I am so glad you have been able to enjoy some "grandma time". Enjoy your weekend. Hugs.

  3. It looks like you had a wonderful time visiting with family. And grandkids are always the best of course. We have to enjoy them while they are still young, they grow up so fast and go there own way....
    Have a good weekend!

  4. Such a happy post. Thank you for sharing the joys of your family with us. Wishing them love, peace and happiness for a lifetime.
