Wednesday, July 31, 2024

I Like Thurs #150 AND a Finish!

I haven't been posting lately because things had gotten hectic around here between appointments, my daughter's visit, and just taking care of the necessary things around the house. However, right before Sarah's arrival, I finished quilting and binding a top! Yay!

This is what it looked like a couple of years ago. I was on retreat with friends at Kinderhook Lodge. Earlier I had gifted my BFF a kit and also one for myself. We made our tops together at retreat.

Kinderhook Retreat -- October 2022

Of course, Vickie quilted hers up right away while mine lingered and waited to be quilted. I felt like I was on a patriotic roll recently since I'd finished my AccuQuilt Flag (see header) and decided that this was the year to quilt this one. As a matter of fact, since I was making red, white, & blue striped binding for the AQ Flag, I went ahead and made the binding for this one. I've never made my binding before quilting it but I'd seen others do that. Wow! What great motivation to get 'er done!

So, may I present a finished Charmingly Patriotic!

This is a Lisa Bonjean (Primitive Gatherings) pattern actually called Charming American. The top is made with 5 charm packs. All you need is binding & backing from there. The top finished at 50"x60" but was actually 47.5"x57.5" after quilting & laundering.

Although it's not a huge quilt, I decided to quilt it using my Barb's Baptist Fan Stencil (find it HERE on Etsy). I had such success using it on the Mystery Quilt in April and went with it again.

A Close-Up of Primitive Gatherings's
American Gatherings Fabrics

Pieced Backing

Close-Up of the Large
Baptist Fan Quilting

This one definitely qualifies for a major LIKE! Woo! Hoo!

I also like how Polly keeps an eye on my quilting. Thankfully she approves. Lol!
Last I checked in, I was reading "The Women" by Kristin Hannah. I finished it and absolutely loved this book. I must say I was a little skeptical since it isn't my usual kind of book. It's the story of three nurses that do their patriotic part in Vietnam. During the course of their tours, they become close friends even after the war ends. I truly recommend this one though.

Currently I'm reading "The Dutch House" by Ann Patchett. I'm already over halfway through it and am surprised by how much I'm enjoying this book too!

GoodReads synopsis HERE

Again, not a usual book that I might read but I'll bet one of my fellow bloggers recommended it. I will do the same, I'm sure, when I finish. Until then, I'll keep on reading. Next on my reading list will probably be a book recommended by Sarah. I see that I'm still at least a month out for a book on hold at my library. So happy to have books in line to read!

I'll finish this post up quickly with just a couple more LIKES around my neighborhood. Here are a couple of pictures from around my neighborhood.

I thought I heard some clucking from this backyard!

Two Chickens -- Golden and Black Hens!!

Mr. & Mrs. Mallard Taking the Ducklings Across the Pond

We took Sarah to Grant's Farm, MO. This was a home owned by Ulysses S. Grant and is now owned by the Busch family of Anheuser-Busch. There is a tram ride from the parking lot, through an animal park/reserve, and onto the animals to view.

Mom & Sarah on the Tram

There are goats to feed. Do you remember Delilah, the goat quilt I made for her?

This is why!

Ice Cream Cones Filled with Kibble
for the Adult Goats

Baby Bottles Filled with Milk for the Baby Goats
(I'm Watching & Laughing!)

I thought this was a fun little ditty for the wash-up station by the goats.

Grant's Farm also has stables for some of the Clydesdale Horses. Until you stand beside one, you have no idea of just exactly large they really are.

Have you been able to catch any of the Olympic games? We have been pretty much glued to the tube watching during this first week. Loving the gymnastics (both men's & women's), thoroughly loved the rugby (who knew? Haha), the swimming, and the beach volleyball. How about you?

If you made it to the end of this post, you will probably need a breather before checking out the other bloggers' posts of things they've liked recently. Whenever you're up to it, check out more HERE.

Have a great week!


  1. Lovely quilt finish. I've been watching as much Olympic games as possible ... great reason to stay up sewing :)

  2. A great pattern for a pile of charm squares! I like the way you quilted it too. I listened to the Dutch House on an audiobook…Tom Hanks was the reader. Good book. Looks like you’ve been busy lately! Gail at the cozy quilter

  3. Congratulations on your quilt finish. I love it! Glad you had a nice visit with your daughter.

  4. Charmingly Patriotic is a beautiful finish, Susie! I like the design and the different low volume squares all around the outside. Looks like you had lots of fun with your daughter there - Grant's Farm looks interesting!

  5. I loved both The Women and Dutch House. Two great books! Great quilt finish! I've been watching the Olympics most nights. So fun to watch!
