Thursday, February 20, 2025

I Like Thursdays #170

Is everyone as excited as I am at the temperatures that we are assured by the weathermen will be coming in the next few days? Here in the Midwest we will be having our warm-up this weekend and into the next week. YIPPEE! Walking the dog in minus-double-digits wind chill is not nearly as enjoyable as in the Spring, for sure.

Since we last "spoke", Valentine's Day arrived. My honey knows what I like. Flowers are nice but chocolate is my passion!

Not sure if I shared these pictures of the grandkids with you but, if so, they are worth repeating. I think the looks on their faces are priceless! Goofy boys!

Have you ever heard of a sirloin cap roast? Also know as Coulotte and Picanha? Well, Mom & I ran into some at our local Fresh Thyme store. We didn't know what it was but thought we could give it a go. After checking internet resources, I decided that the way to go might be with my sous vide set-up. 

After seasoning it with a paste made from minced garlic & salt, I cooked it for about 4 hours at 133 degrees. It was WONDERFUL! Tender, juicy, delicious!

Here's a picture of someone else looking for dinner.

Taken through my kitchen window screen

I'm still reading The Quality of Silence by Rosamund Lupton. It's another different kind of story by the same author of Afterwards. It's an interesting read and I'm trying to figure out the direction it is taking.

A glimpse at our weather. I really don't want to dwell on it.

Look at this face -- it's really cold, Mom, but you know I have to do "my business" out there.

And on that note, I'll sign off and check out what the others have shared today on our hostess's blog. There's sure to be some fun stuff HERE.

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