Saturday, February 1, 2025

No Blue Yet

Since today is only the start of February, I continued working on my January pink projects. This even though Angela was so kind as to give us a heads up that February's RSC color would be BLUE. So let's see what got done. (Not much.)

I decided that my scrappy, piecing blocks would be A-Maze-Zing ones. I believe it was Julie who introduced us to these as she made placemats through RSC2024. If you know me, I'm going big. My blocks will be 15" x 20" and I'll need 30 total for a nice-sized quilt. Since I only just decided on these this past week, I only got three part-ways finished. I'll have to continue on them while getting a few blue ones done too this month. I'll talk more about this pattern in the months ahead.

I also realized the end of the month was quickly approaching and no quilting projects were 100% finished. That meant nothing to report for Stashbuster2025! I was very close to having enough cut-offs and tidbits of fabric to get a pet bed sewn up so that's what I did. I'll donate it to my guild's charity group. It used up a half yard of fabric for the back & front and even has some pink!
Stashbuster 2025 Project
For those of you that remember my long-running project Brown Threads, I thought I'd share with you my friend's version. The original quilt was called Red Threads and was a redwork quilt. I chose brown threads and my sashing flying geese will be Kansas Troubles, Kim Diehl, and Fall-ish colors. I'm still working on the sashing strips at my monthly retreats and will continue until I get them all finished. In the meantime, here's a picture of Dorothy's quilt in teal/aqua fabrics. Isn't it gorgeous and what an inspiration for me to get mine done!

Besides the flying geese, I also worked on these tiny 4-patches. My local quilt store (Itch'n to be Stitch'n) is hosting a mystery quilt this year. She is also encouraging us to use up our scraps! Our first clue was given at the January meeting and the February meeting is quickly approaching. My 54 units will be completed this weekend.
42 of 54 Done

Thank you to Angela at SoScrappy to coordinating us Rainbow Scrap quilters. I hope you manage to click your way to her link to see what others have shared with their scraps. And a special thank-you to Carole of FromMyCarolinaHome who is doing her best to get us to whittle down our stash. Ha! Like that's gonna happen! Lol! Join in this challenge HERE.

Have a great weekend. Here should be a quiet couple of days after last week's multiple days out with Mom for PT twice, a dental appointment, and of course her weekly hair appointment which ends with a little grocery shopping too. Pshew! Exhausting! As for me? I'll try to get in some sewing!


  1. The Amazing blocks are so clever and cute! I'm looking forward to seeing how they all look together in a mix of colors. Should be a fun quilt.

    1. Thanks! I believe it was Julie in GA that did some of the A-Maze-Zing blocks as placemats last RSC. I subscribe to TQS so I was able to get the pattern there. They're a great scrap buster but a bit tedious. Let's see if I can keep going on them!

  2. those pink blocks are super cool!!! Its okay to keep stitching pink... i like pink ;-)

    1. Oh, I'm still sewing pink -- the "pink quilt" has gotten it's first bit of quilting done on it just today! Lol! Thankfully I've started a little on blue too. Lol!

  3. Pretty pink blocks. You look after you Mum so wonderfully, I'm sure she appreciates what you do for her. As my elderly Aunt used to say, "getting old is not for sissies!"

    1. You're Aunt sounds exactly like my Dad did. Thanks for the compliment on the pink blocks. They're a bit fiddly so let's see if I can keep up with them! Ha!

  4. Three partial RSC blocks, a pet bed, and the 4-Patch blocks for the mystery you're doing sounds like you were SEW productive, Susie (especially when you factor in all the things you did with your Mom!) Good luck with BLUE blocks. I'm hoping to get a start on mine in the next couple of days.

    1. Hot diggity! I did make a start on some blue blocks this past weekend! I'll share that next RSC post. Hopefully I'll continue to have some time this week to sew. Mom surely keeps me busy.

  5. The teal quilt top is stunning! Looking forward to seeing your autumnal version. Your pink blocks are like a Greek key design, very nice. xx

    1. Thanks, Lin. My little machine went in for a spa treatment this week so no progress on the A-Maze-Zing blocks. However I've got some RSC Blue progress to share next time!
