Saturday, February 8, 2025

Where's the Blue???

I can't seem to find time for RSC Blue sewing. February is such a short month, I'd better get my mojo going or, before I know, it'll be March and a new color suggestion.

What I managed this week:

Used My AccuQuilt Baby to Cut the Pieces
for Two Blue GemTones Blocks

Leftover GemTones Fabrics for 
A-Maze-Zing Blocks

Pink AccuQuilt Quilt Pin-Basted and
Marked in BLUE for Quilting!

I worked last night a bit more on my cross-stitch project. I've made quite a bit of progress on it because I ordered a Spring project that I want to jump into when it arrives. UPDATE: Came in the mail this morning!

'Tis Spring by
With Thy Needle & Thread

This is the one I'll be putting aside so I can get going on my Spring pillow.

As Last Seen on January 30th Post

As of Today

To give you perspective on this December cross-stitch, it'll finish 6" x 4.5" approximately. It's very tiny with lots of teeny Xs.

That's about it on the Creative Front around here. I hope you have a super SuperBowl weekend! There's more to enjoy on Angela's SoScrappy post HERE and see what my friends got up to on this month's Friday Night with Friends evening. Cheryll corrals us up on Gone Stitchin' HERE.


  1. Nice work on your Christmas cross stitch - I LOVE your new project! xx

    1. I really need to start that "new" project. I didn't realize it uses different threads. I've been lazy and keep thinking I'll work on the colors later and instead just keep plugging away at the Christmas one. Oh well, progress is progress, right?

  2. That's quite the cross stitch project you've got going. Such a homey scene. Perfect to bring out each year for the holiday season.

    1. Thanks! I'm enjoying the February Valentine's one currently!

  3. Getting out the blue scraps and starting to cut out pieces counts as progress! I love your Christmas cross-stitch project, too. But it's definitely time to start working on the Spring one!

    1. Believe it or not I actually starting sewing with blue over the weekend. I also started quilting the pink quilt so RSC Pink is definitely not over here in the Hoover House! Lol! I will admit also that Christmas is still hanging on here in the cross-stitch world. YIKES!
