Thursday, August 15, 2024

I Like Thursday #152

It's time for another round of "likes" for the week. We like to share that HERE on LeeAnna's blog. There's always interesting stuff there to learn/share/see.

Let's start in the garden, mine and others. My neighbor's coreopsis is blooming nicely around her mailbox.

On my back deck, the multi-tiered planter is finally blooming. We were gone this past Spring for a NC Bridal Shower so my seeds didn't get planted  until mid-June. That explains the tardiness.

Top: Marigolds
Middle: Zinniuas
Bottom: Allyssum

Ameren is our gas provider. I didn't realize they sweep through the neighborhoods checking for gas leaks. They found a small one in our yard. Here they are digging up the pipe. They were so kind as to be as careful as possible of my garden and then placed the bricks back in order and seeded the grass.

He actually dug a hole up to his waist!

My quilt guild had an amazing program this past Tuesday evening. Our presenter was Candyce Grisham and she showed us many wonderful ways to make Dresden blocks. You can visit her website HERE.

Amazon Link

She shared so many beautiful quilts. I wish I'd taken more pictures but I didn't remember until towards the end. Doh!

Geesh! I just realized I never posted this. Here you go -- I'm having a great Thursday!


  1. I love your tiered planter! That's a fun idea. I planted marigolds, zinnias, and alyssum in my garden this year! It is definitely nice when the utility workers are careful about your landscaping. That looks like a funpresentation at your guild meeting, with pretty quilts!

    1. Thanks, Diann. The planter was an Aldi Find a couple of years ago. Those flowers are some of my favorites as they're hardy and pretty easy to get flowers from seeds. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  2. Beautiful quilts! That must have been a joy to watch them. Gas leak? That sounds scary....glad they found it. It will safe you probably money too.....

    1. Yes, I'm very grateful that the gas company is apparently very proactive. Could've possibly ruined my day down the road! Lol!

  3. The flowers in my garden make me smile too! Beautiful Dresden quilts. I took a class with Kathy Doughty from Australia years ago and she taught a variety of ways to make Dresden quilts. So much potential in one little template shape! Gail at the cozy quilter

    1. A class with Kathy Doughty? I'd be thrilled to meet her. She has some beautiful designs and such a great sense of color. I've borrowed some of her books from my library and just drooled over her quilts. She's amazing!

  4. I love your tiered planter. It will be so pretty when the flowers fill in. How considerate of the utility worker to care for your property as he worked the gas leak....good thing he found it, too. Those really are so amazing quits shared at your guild program.

    1. I love my planter too -- It was an Aldi Find a couple of years ago. I'm happy to say that I already have a few more flowers! Yay! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  5. That was a great utility worker to take such care with your garden - which is really beautiful by the way!

    1. Thank you, Linda. I do enjoy my garden and that gas guy deserved a pat on the back. So glad they found the leak before a catastrophe. I'm so happy they are proactive locating leaks. Have a great finish to your weekend!

  6. That is so wonderful that they check for gas leaks and that they were so considerate to put it all back. I cannot imagine how you even dig a hole that deep....with a shovel? Your tiered planter is pretty. The quilts are amazing!

    1. That really deep hole got started with a shovel but then they brought in a backhoe (?). My planter has pleased me for several years now. It was an Aldi Find and I always plant it up. It sits on my deck right by the hummingbird feeders. Hope your weekend is going well!

  7. All of the flowers look great, Susie. I love your tiered flower planter. It is so wonderful that the gas provider was careful about your lawn and garden. The quilts look fabulous too ; they are so bright and cheerful. They sing summertime! Have a great week.
