Sunday, August 11, 2024

Not Much Orange ... Yet

The past week was a blur. Monday morning I had Quilt Club at my LQS and then hurried home to get Mom to P/T at 1pm. Somehow I managed to get 3.5 loads of laundry fully washed, dried, folded, and put away with the last load in the dryer as I went to bed. Tuesday I cleaned up all the floors in the house and finished up that last load of laundry. I also worked on getting prepared for Wednesday's expedition. My friend picked me up and away we went at 8am to knock out a few (six!) quilt shops on the All-Illinois Shop Hop. I was dropped off home at just past 5:30pm and I whipped up BLTs for dinner. Man, was I tired but in a VERY GOOD way. Thursday was up & at 'em for Tips at another LQS (aren't I lucky?). After rushing home to get Mom to P/T again at 1:00 and then home again for my sister's phone call at 3:00, it was on to Dairy Queen for dinner. What???? you ask? 20% of all proceeds that evening were being donated to the Troy Senior Center. We love our Senior Center so much that we decided that DQ Dinner was a win-win. Every Friday Mom & I leave at 11:30 for her standing hair appointment at noon, followed by a little grocery shopping. We usually get back home around 3:30.

That brings us to Saturday when I was signed up for a Zoom class through The Applique Society. Class was scheduled from 10am - 4:30pm and was all about broderie perse. Dena Rosenberg, our instructor, was wonderful! The class was informative, inspiring, and so much fun! She had given a lecture to our group earlier this year and I was so impressed with her knowledge and skill that I was excited for this class.

It doesn't look like much, but this was my progress on Saturday.

My Layout

A Close-up of my Appliqued
First Flower

As for my Red Threads project, I didn't get last week's block (the elk) finished. Rats!

Looking Good So Far

We got the very last embroidery block on Friday. After 50 months, it's a relief to be done getting them. Now to finish up the elk and get that last one done. Of course there's still all the paper-piecing of the flying geese sashings that run the length of the quilt -- 88" according to the pattern!!!

So that's been my week. Busy, busy. I'm looking forward to the upcoming calm week.

If you want to see orange blocks and orange creations, head on over to Angela's SoScrappy blog. There's lots there being shared.


  1. Phew! You made me tired just reading about all of your activities! Can’t wait to see what you make with all of those embroideries! Gail at the cozy quilter

    1. I'm almost done with last prblished embroidery but it seems to me I was going to substitute one and never got around to doing that one. I'm also thinking about subbing out the cat one for one of my own kitty. Kind of like I did Gracie for the dog and my own kids for the children ones. I probably should've never tried personalizing it. Now It'll take me that much longer! Ugh! Lol!

  2. Goodness, that certainly was a busy one! Your flower wreath is going to be very pretty. xx

    1. Thank you, Lin. It was an enjoyable class but I've kind of put it on the back burner for now. I'm trying to concentrate on the Red Threads embroideries/sashings and also finishing up some of my EPP blocks. Stay tuned! Haha!

  3. Whew! I got tired just reading about your week's activities. The broderie perse project from your zoom class looks interesting.

    1. It was definitely a fun class and I look forward to getting back to it later. Right now I'm working to finish up a couple of other projects. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. My word - very busy and mostly in a good way. I am yet to decide about orange...might give it a miss for now.

    1. I can say that I've finally cut the pieces for the aqua/teal RSC pineapple blocks with hopes of sewing them up this week. Then I'll tackle those orange ones! So many projects, so little time! Hope you're having a good finish to your weekend!
