Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Blog Hop & Kyoto

Waiting for my mother to arrive so I can take her to a doctor's appointment. I believe it is a recheck at her dermatologist today. Thankfully no biggie. She's 86 and really has no health issues. I hope I have her genes!

Wanted to give you a quick heads up. Lori from Humble Quilts asked me if I'd like to participate in a blog hop that she was wanting to run. I hesitated because I've never done this before but then I thought, how will I ever learn to do this if I never have a "first time"? So I accepted. She's calling it Holiday Favorites Blog Hop 2019.
Starting next Monday, December 9, Lori will kick the Hop off followed by 11 other fellow bloggers. More details will be forthcoming but you can probably guess from the title that we will be sharing some of our holiday favorites.

Quick update on Kyoto:
I'vve got the center star put together. It needs a good pressing. I've started putting on the outer triangles to get some corners on. Then only needs borders. It's really getting large!
I'm happy to be making such great progress!

I'll leave you with this last picture of my sweet Brody. Have a great week!


  1. Your star is lovely --and Brody is just so adorable ;)))
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Good luck with th blog hop. Your star is looking beautiful. xx

  3. A blog hop is new for me, never have seen one here in the Netherlands but I like the idea. It gives me the opportunity to read many new blogs!

  4. Kyoto is amazing!!! Brody is sweet!!
