Saturday, February 1, 2020

PHD in 2020 - January Progress Report

Well, unfortunately I haven't finished anything yet in 2020 but I have made progress on a few fronts. So that's saying something anyhow. Here's how I did with my PHD projects.

Shark Bite has been assembled. I just need to figure out how I want to go about the borders. Currently measuring at 88"X88". I definitely hope to have this top completed in the next few months.

A Very Merry Christmas is really coming along. I thought I might have this top done by the end of January but it still lingers on. Progress made this month includes all 23 spool blocks. They are various sizes and colors but they are ALL done!
I also started the star blocks for this project too. These tiny flying geese units measure 2"X1.5". The stars will eventually measure up to 3". While I have a total of nine to make, here's a picture of the first three that are essentially ready to be assembled.
So I'm happily progressing on this one. There's another set under my needle and then only five more to go. I believe 9-patches are next, after these star blocks.

I'm also working on a BOM. The pattern is called Afternoon Delight and it was designed by Sue Garmen. It is offered by The Quilt Show. For January we were to  complete 4 applique blocks and two pieced blocks. Here is a picture of my four applique blocks.
Sadly there are no pieced blocks to show off. This is a year-long block-of-the-month project. I hope to stay pretty much caught up with it. I've already downloaded the next four applique blocks for February. These blocks are small, by the way, measuring at a finished size of only 6-3/4".

I just saw that the Dirty Dozen number for February is 1. That would be Scrap Dance Two-Step. Oh my. Not sure if that'll happen by the end of the month but here goes nothing! Lol! I'll be concentrating on Afternoon Delight and A Very Merry Christmas this month. Have a great weekend!

Linking up with Gail at Quilting Gail. Take a peek and be amazed at what we quilters can get done when we set our minds to it!


  1. Good luck with your chosen projects... xox

  2. Love your Afternoon Delight blocks! I will have to try to keep up with you in future months (I am already 4 applique blocks behind)!

  3. You have gotten a lot done. That was quite a bit of work.

  4. The blocks you are working on for a Very Merry Christmas look great, love all the reds and greens. Good luck with your PHD list in February. As you noted on my post, progress is progress. Though I'll admit it always seems like it's really, really slow going most of the time.
