Saturday, February 29, 2020

Good-bye, Orange! Hello, Teal!?

Happy Leap Day! Today is my husband's niece's TRUE birthday and she is now, since she was born in 1992, 7 birthdays old! Lol! I wonder what day she celebrates her birthday on during regular years -- February 28 or March 1 ....

Orange is officially over today at RSC. There were many lovely additions which you can check out at So Scrappy. I personally loved working with orange. I find it a very cheerful, happy color. Here are my orange blocks for this month playing with the green blocks from January.
I wanted to also make Heartfire blocks for RSC but there were a few setbacks. However, this week I managed to play around and experiment to see how they played. I only made two green blocks, but I'm loving how they look so I'll be playing catch-up with these as time allows.
On a bit of a side note, my grandson has been having a time with cradle cap. It has been very persistent and actually been infected. He was given a topical cream but he had too much hair on his head to penetrate effectively, so ..... time for his first haircut and he's not even nine months old.
Gnawing a broccoli stalk (picture with hair)
1st Haircut

OMG! Cracking me up! Such a sweet little face!
Guess it's time to start digging out my teals and moving forward with Awesome Land & Heartfire blocks!

Happy Leap Day! Do something fun with your Bonus Day today!


  1. He is adorable and the blocks are fine too

    1. Thank you. I'll be working hard on those blocks this months with TEAL!

  2. Now THAT is one cute kid!! I hope the haircut helps in getting rid of the cradle cap. I love all your blocks, but those Heartfire blocks have me twitterpated!

    1. Loving the Heartfire blocks too. You can get the pattern from Sew'n Wild Oaks. I think they'll make great leaders & enders!

  3. What a smile on that cute face! I've enjoyed orange, too, but it's always enjoyable to switch moods, if you know what I mean! Your green and orange blocks look great!

    1. I totally know what you mean. I love orange but teal will be a nice change of color.

  4. I agree, orange is bright and cheerful. Hope the cradle cap is resolved with the hair cut. Cute smile.

  5. Thank you. Let's see what beautiful blocks we get this month with TEAL!

  6. That is one cute broccoli chopper! Love all your orange blocks also!

  7. Your ORANGE blocks are great, but oh that sweet post-haircut face!!!

  8. Aw, what a cutie pie! Looks like you had fun with the orange blocks too!

  9. I love how you are creating your version Awesome Land! Are you planning on the 6x9 layout Lissa Alexander had? I am working on my own version. Sandy at

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