Thursday, February 8, 2024

I Like Thursday #137

Here we are enjoying and appreciating another week. What's not to like about that? Today I'm sharing a few "likes" that come to mind from earlier this week. Won't you join me? You can also join my "Like" friends HERE if you choose.

This year, Lent is early so from now until Fat Tuesday (the 13th), it's Paczki Season!!! These Polish doughnuts are so delicious and we look forward to eating our fill each year.

One of my favorite blogs is Stitch with Lisa. It's run by Lisa Bonjean of Primitive Gatherings. She has one of the best shops and blogs, in my opinion. By now you're familiar with my Twilight Stars blocks. This QAL is through Primitive Gatherings.

Well, periodically she picks winners from those who have commented on the blog. Recently my name was chosen. My package arrived this week and check out these goodies! There's a wool Valentine pattern with a couple of wool starter pieces, PG chenille wool applique needles, a seam guide, a couple of quilty stickers, and two pieces of scrumptious caramels.

Check out my orchid!!! It has seven lovely flowers blooming! It's been blooming for quite a while but I finally remembered to snap a picture.
My poor little grandson had a double ear infection that progressed to a ruptured eardrum last week. I just loved this picture of him waiting to see the doctor.

Here he is all set to get back to school, feeling so much better.
If you remember Tim (the Tool Man) Taylor, you will appreciate this video. I just love it!!! 💕
I'm still reading "The Ink Black Heart" by Robert Galbraith, aka J K Rowling. I'm almost 600 pages in with about 400 to go! Yee! Haw! Progress. The book is interesting and you can read the synopsis here. Thankfully it's really starting to pick up the pace because I've renewed as much as possible and will be due back to the library soon.

My friend Sharon & I had a quilting road trip this week. I won a Janome Serger from the All-Illinois Quilt Shop Hop. The store that sponsored this prize was Times Square Quilt Shop in Jacksonville, which is a little over an hour and a half drive from my house. Of course we found some fabric to buy also. It's a very nice quilt shop and we had a great visit with the ladies there. On the way back we decided to stop at another shop, Dora's in Brighton. If you live in my neck of the woods, I highly recommend a visit to this store. Sharon & I thoroughly enjoyed our visit. Not only did we enhance our stash, but we had such nice conversation with the owner about anything and everything!

I hope you had a nice week too. There is always so much to like if you only take a moment to reflect on your day. I wish you a wonderful week!


  1. Congratulations on your win, Susie! That sounds like a fun surprise. It doesn't sound fun to have a ruptured eardrum, but glad your GS is better now. Glad you were able to have that quilt shop visiting day with your friend, too!

  2. Wow - what excellent prizes! Paczki! I had my first one last year. Ear infection. No fun. Big books like that - I'm always racing to finish before the renewals run out!

  3. Yes, there is Paczki in the grocery stores here...I'd never heard of it till coming to Ontario. Sweet looking grandson and so happy he is feeling better. Love to see your embroidery progress, Susie. It is so fun to pet fabric in person!

  4. you won two prizes, and a sewing machine!!!
    lucky you
    and your grandson is adorable
    never had pasczki but now I want them
