Thursday, June 22, 2023

I Like Thursday #119

Look at this haul!!! 34 fat quarters and 8 half-yard pieces!

Last week my LQS had a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate their new extension of their shop. They are now 3 shops wide, one of which is mostly dedicated to the longarm rentals. Throughout the store on the big day they had stations set up to visit and to learn, i.e. embroidery modules, marking tools, cool steam iron, longarms, Accu-Quilt, the store's app, and more including a cupcake at the end! As if that wasn't enough, there were prizes: a brand-new Janome sewing machine, an embroidery basket with a load of threads, and a Bernina chair. I did not win a grand prize but I did win one of the door prizes! I cannot believe how much fabric there was!! So many beautiful colors!

Speaking of color, my front garden had quite the array of colors this morning so I snapped this picture. Can you find the yellow, the white, the purple, the red, and how about that pink???

As for the book I'm reading, "Demon Copperfield", I'm still rolling along with it. The book is well-written and I'm still enjoying the story and wondering where it will go at the end. My ebook expires today but I'll see how long my Nook holds it for me. Sometimes it goes more than a week! I'll need it too since I'm only about halfway. I've already looked to see where I can pick up a hard copy if I need to to finish up .... just in case! Still recommending it so far.

Our prompt this week was all about the ice cream truck. We did in fact have one that came through the neighborhood while growing up. My favorite treat was a bomb pop. Tasty and patriotic. We also have an occasional ice cream truck come through where I live today. I live on a cul-de-sac so sometimes they don't come all the way down. However, I do know when they come because Gracie goes NUTS! Our previous dog, Gus, loved the ice cream truck to come through too. His response was a little different. The music made him howl! We always chuckled that he was singing with the ice cream truck!

That's it from the home front. I hope you have a great week and can find plenty of smiles. Here's one last funny we spied at a local restaurant. What a deal! Hahahaha!

If you'd like to read more happy posts, go HERE where we all share our LIKES for the week!


  1. First, I love the quilt in your header, such pretty color. The colors in your garden are nice, too and you did get a colorful haul from the quilt store. Sounds like they had quite the celebration.

  2. Have fun with all that gorgeous fabric!

  3. we are in a remote but crowded neighborhood... you have to drive and drive to get here but lots of people in the hood. We had a jingle jangle ice cream truck come thru recently and I wondered if kids knew what it was. When I was young we all played outside all day, so that music called us to it! LeeAnna

  4. That sounds like a fun time at your LQS, and congratulations on your win! Pretty flowers, too. Our neighbor's dog loves the mailman! You can hear her barking for him when he turns down the street. I think once in awhile he will walk up to the door and give her a treat.

  5. Wow, that's quite the stash. What a fun win!

  6. Susie - beautiful garden color! Joining you from I Like Thursday!

  7. Your garden is so colorful and pretty, Susie. I love bomb pops!! They are still my favorite summer time treat. Have a great weekend.
