Thursday, January 25, 2024

I Like Thursday #135

Sorry I missed last week with an I Like Thursday post. Time really slips away from me. It's probably a combination of (dare I say it?) age, taking care of Mom, trying to keep in contact with family and friends,  trying to keep the house halfway straight, and staying on top of house maintenance/upkeep. There's really quite a bit on my plate but I suppose that's life, right? Don't we all have many things to take up our time? Enough of that, let's move on, alright?

There's been a couple more good recipes tried in this kitchen lately. I mentioned before about the cookbook I borrowed from the library called "Comfort in an Instant" by Melissa Clark. This time I tried Lemony Shrimp + Scallop Risotto with Chives. I didn't have any scallops so I just doubled the shrimp. No chives either so used onion. This risotto recipe was delicious and none of that stir in 1/4 cup of broth, stir, and repeat. Done in an instant in the Instant Pot! I served it with oven-roasted broccoli and yellow squash. Pretty and tasty! We all liked it.

On Sunday, Mom wasn't feeling well. She slept the entire day away and was not very cognitive either. She had a hard time understanding anything we said to her and she certainly couldn't answer anything we asked of her. The next day I decided to make some chicken soup to see if that would get her feeling better. Of course she woke up feeling and looking like her old self but I made the soup anyway to knock out any lingering crud if there was any! Haha!

Every week, Sherri McConnell has A Quilting Life blog post called Saturday Seven. One of the seven topics is cooking/recipes and I took her link  to Creamy Couscous Chicken Soup from the How Sweet Eats blog. It was delicious and you can find the link HERE. It was such a delicious comfort dinner! The couscous used in this recipe is the pearl variety which is noodly as opposed to grain-like. The recipe says it serves 4 but the three of us ate it twice and there's enough for Mom & me to have lunch. Fred in particular liked how thick this soup was.

Need to run and make dinner. Sorry this post is so short again but, as you can tell, food is important to this household. Lol!

Catch some more in-depth I Like Thursday posts at Not Afraid of Color. There's plenty more interesting things there.


  1. Sometimes it can all be a bit overwhelming . I'm glad your mom perked up. Mmm... food - my favorite dish! LOL

  2. Glad you're finding some new recipes to try! That soup really does look yummy. I hope your mom is feeling much better - that sounds a scary day for you all. Hugs!
