Thursday, October 17, 2024

I Like Thur #159

Happy Thursday, friends! I hope you've managed to find some happiness this past week. All you have to do is look around and I bet you find something to like. I'll share what I've sound this past week with you.

I've been reading Chris Whitaker's "All the Colors of the Dark" and have been enjoying it. It's beautifully written and reminds me of the style in "Where the Crawdads Sing". Of course the subject is entirely different but both are use colorful language.

The storyline in this book is interesting but I do find that it drags a bit at times. Maybe the prose is just a little too rich for me? I'm definitely curious to see how this one is going to end so I'll keep reading.

On the culinary front, I saved this recipe from a 2022 calendar and finally got around to making it. Truly a comfort dish!

I also saw a container of blueberries that seemed to be hanging out a little too long in the fridge so I made a lemon blueberry cake. So yummy and Mom really loved it!

You can find Carole's recipe on her From My Carolina Home blog right HERE. It's easy and delicious!

What has kept me very happy lately? I've been quilting up a top most recenly. I love free-motion quilting!! Here's a peek ....

Have you noticed lately how dark it stays in the morning? Gracie and I have been leaving a little later on our walks because it's just so dang dark still at 6:45. The other morning as the sun was starting to light up the sky, I noticed this beautiful X in the sky. I hope it brightens your day too!

Have a great Thursday, everyone! You can find more "interesting" things at LeeAnna's Not Afraid Of Color blog where we all share things to like.

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