Saturday, October 5, 2024

Rainbow Scrap Challenge Turned into FNwF

This is my first RSC post in quite a while. We had a lot of company the middle two weeks of September followed by our week-long trip at the end of September. Not much time to read or post blogs. Hopefully things will be settling down for a bit again.

While on the All-Illinois Shop Hop I picked up a scarecrow pattern to embroider. It is called My Fall Guy. I'm not going to show you a picture of the pattern because it is not a good picture. Why do pattern designers typically have the worst pictures on the covers of their patterns???? Anyway, I saw it done at a quilt shop and decided it would be a good project for on the road. Plus it's pretty dark so fits in with the RSC scheme of things.

He's a Long Fellow

Last night I worked on the leaves and the Xs at the bottom.

I started the Xs at the top also.

I managed this while watching the season opener to Survivor. Besides falling behind on my sewing, I'm also behind on the new shows for 2024! Lol!

I hope you have a great weekend. We have lovely weather here which I hope to enjoy myself!

Linking up with Angela at SoScrappy.

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