I should have broken this up earlier this week but I didn't. Now this may be a bit long. What can I say but pull up a seat!
First up I joined in with Wendy & all the cyber friends who sew along on the monthly Friday Night Sew In. You can stop by
HERE to see what we've been doing. While watching TV I managed to finish ALL the bunnies on the little quilt and started the top border. I'm really loving it. Thank you, Wendy, for allowing us to get together to sew & share!
Those mysterious missing pieces of the quilt are rabbits. I'll be stitching them up after the quilt is through. There's also a tree and another little quilt. I better stop talking about it or I'll be talking myself right out of it!
On Tiny Tuesday this week, we again had the choice of a couple of different blocks. I chose the Ohio Star in honor of my best friend who lives in Cleveland. It may be hard to see but the background fabric is a splotchy yellow behind the yellow star. Love Sunny February Yellow! I wonder how everyone is coming along with their RSC projects? You can see it all
HERE but BEWARE! There's a lot of yellow happening!!! Lol!
You may remember that last weekend I was happily sewing a Little Letters quilt at retreat. When I left on Saturday, I was only short X, Y, & Z. Well, I'm happy to say that here they are!
In the meantime, this week I starched up some more background fabric and cut my 4-1/2" strips. I sewed a strip to the top of each letter. The green fabric with the blue dots will be the cornerstones and I starched it up and cut 1-1/2" strips. I plan on getting them stitched up and, hopefully, get a start on sewing them onto the blocks. So far this has been a very fun project! Looking forward to getting it ready for a special little someone due in May!!!
I jumped on board with Susan Marth's A Merry Christmas SAL. It will involve applique, embroidery, piecing, and OF COURSE DRESDENS! Hahaha! Last week we only had to embroider this block.
This week is a smaller embroidery so I'm pretty sure I'll be caught up by Wednesday when the next clue will be assigned. You can check out the project
Here on Facebook. You may have to scroll down a bit but there are a lot of us sewing along!
Here's a bit of a happy dance going on in my part of the world. I was randomly selected on Becky Goldsmith's blog and this is what I won. Three balls of embroidery thread. YIPPEE! And three cheers to Becky Goldsmith!!! Thank you very much!

On a serious note, I feel compelled to share a story that Barbara Black shared with her blog readers. I found it both funny and sad at the same time but so
very important to all of us creators and to all that see and receive our creations. Read it
Here and then let me know your thoughts. I thought Barbara shared valuable information and insight here. I just love the lesson and the summary at the end. (I received permission from Barbara Black to post this on my blog.)
Yesterday morning I thought I'd check in on how my leader & ender project, named Shark Bite, was coming along. Turns out I have 38 blocks with the blue triangles going one way and 43 blocks with the blue triangles going the other way! Wow! Amazed myself! That's 81 of the 132 blocks I want to make. There are quite a few blocks already in progress too.
Shark Bite blocks are bundled, totaled, and bagged ready for more to happen!
Did you stick through this lengthy post? Congratulations! I'll try to post sooner so this does not happen again. Have a great weekend!