What a wonderful day we had yesterday. It was in the works for a bit due to many schedules to check and adjust. You'd think we had "jobs" but we're still busy folks.
At 11:30 my husband & I drove down to Mother's, about 1/2 hour away. We waited until she got home from her hairdresser appointment. Looking lovely, we loaded her in the car and off to St. Louis we went. We arrived at the St. Louis Art Museum around 1:00 and had a hard time finding a parking spot. The lots were packed! Understandably so since it was FREE FRIDAY and there was a special exhibit of Paul Gauguin's work! Inside it wasn't so bad. Not sure where all the people actually were but it is a large museum. Anyway, here are a few of my favorites.
My absolute favorite! |
Did you know he dabbled in pottery? |
What about wood carving? He would then add paint to his sculptures. This is Eve in the Garden of Eden |
His life story was interesting. His father was French and his mother was French-Peruvian. He married a Danish woman with whom he had 5 children. He was a successful stock broker and art was merely a hobby. After the Paris stock market crash, he decided to pursue art as a career. He started in France but soon felt he needed to go to the French colonies of Tahiti, Marquesas, and such. His wife did not accompany him. While in these "primitive" (his observation) locales, he lived with very young women. One was as young as 13! And these women bore him more children! Needless to say he ended up getting syphilis and you can see that in his later works. During this time, he also seemed to get more religious.
On the way out of the museum, I spied this tile work. I absolutely LOVE mosaics and this one was gorgeous. I've got no details on it because we were on our way out but I did manage to snap a picture.
We thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon. Hubby & I were home by 5 and it was time to get dinner on since it was also Friday Night Sew-In for me! While preparing dinner, I was mentally going through my projects, trying to decide what I wanted to work on
I ended up pulling out my Tiny Tuesday blocks. One last pink TT block didn't have its frame on and there were two blue TT blocks to be sewn. And before going to bed, I had them done.
I must leave you with one last picture. My DIL sent me this one of Brody the other morning. She said he was getting in good tummy time while enjoying/studying the quilt Grammy made for him. Isn't he the cutest??!!?? (I may be a bit biased! Ha!)
Have a great weekend!