Saturday, August 6, 2022

FNwF & RSC Purple/Orange

Starting off, I'd like to say that I love purple & orange together. Throw in a little green and that's a winner-winner-chicken-dinner! Looking back at my Star in a Star quilt on the bed! I just love it.
But I digress. Last night was the first Friday of the month so that meant Friday Night with Friends night! I started the day off ditch-stitching Twistie. It was VERY early morning, like 4:30am early. I was hoping I was stitching with my Australian friends in their afternoon/evening! I managed to get quite a bit done, almost half!

Later in the afternoon I downloaded the next block for Uptown. I had to laugh since I thought it was a peculiar looking block. Then I read that Gay (our leader) said it wasn't her favorite block either. I planned on starting it in the evening but plans change, don't they? After dinner I settled in to watch the Cardinals play the Yankees. It was so good to see Matt Carpenter, who used to be a Cardinal and was one of my favorites. Cardinals won in their truly exciting come-back style. First inning looked like this in my lap.

By the end of the 8th, it was looking like a good stopping point and my eyelids were drooping. It was a good FNwF!

Thursday I did get in a little Rainbow Scrap sewing. I realized I hadn't done the purple strings for the zig zag border on the String-X quilt and August meant it was time to dig out some orange. I looked back on String-X and discovered that there's a purple block in the corner, meaning I had not one but two sides to cover. Thankfully the orange block is not in the corner. Here's a visual.

So I pulled out my purple strings, got some old phone book pages cut up, and set to work.

What a creative mess! In the bottom right, my Kai purple scissors are holding open one of the purple string HST blocks for the zig zag border. The paper has yet to be torn off. There is a pile of thirteen more under the half purple-half background block also. That halvsie block is for the corner turn. Off on the left are several more background string blocks waiting for the matching orange string blocks to become HSTs. You can see that I've already gathered a nice pile of orange strings just waiting in the wings. It's all glorious in my book although it looks like a disaster.

And that has been what I've been working on this week! I hope you see lots of orange wherever you wander this week!

Thank you to Cheryll for pulling FNwF together this month and to Angela for gathering us together this week for RSC.


  1. yup, winner winner chicken dinner on that color combo. The very same I'm using on this month's hexies

  2. Purple and orange definitely look good together! I love the look of your cross-stitch project - is it a big piece that you're working on in sections? String blocks do make a mess, but are so fun to see after sewing!

  3. All very productive, I'm tired out just reading about it. LOL

  4. Now that is an early start in the sewing room with great results.

  5. Purple , orange and green- nope you can't go wrong there. Your quilt looks amazing, Susie. What a fabulous time it sounds like you had on Friday. You certainly started the day off early and got a lot accomplished. Your stitching is looking fabulous and Woo Hoo. I love the stringy RSC blocks that you are working on. I do need to add more purples in my projects as well, but now on to the orange. Lol. Happy quilting. Hugs

  6. I'm looking forward to seeing your border! I like it!!! You got quite a bit done on your cross-stitch, considering it was an exciting game you were watching! Love your header--you look so joyful!!!
