Sunday, April 17, 2022

EWSI and a RSC tease.

So Bloglovin is down again. That means I can't catch up on my fellow bloggers and their progress. Oh my! I'll go ahead and show you what I managed to do this weekend. Wendy, our lovely hostess of FNSI (Friday Night Sew In), changed it up for the entire Easter weekend. She's calling it EWSI (Easter Weekend Sew In). I'll be heading over to Sugarland Designs if and when Bloglovin returns so I can see my cyber friends' posts. I'll bet a lot got done this weekend!

I finished up the first Woodland Sage Mitten (pattern by Very Busy Monkey on Ravely) on Wednesday.

Time to start on mitten #2. I'm actually a little further along than this picture shows but not much.

Mitten #2

I also made a couple of pillowcases that will be gifted later next month so no pictures. As if that wasn't enough, I also completed April's block for my LQS BOM, Illusions Sampler. They are 24" blocks and there are a lot of pieces. Not only are they interesting blocks, but they are quite challenging too! Such pretty fabrics too!

If you thought that was plenty to accomplish, I also managed to prep 14 hexis during a Zoom meeting on Saturday. I hope to get them sewn up for RSC next Saturday ... that is if Bloglovin is back up & running! UGH!

This afternoon I weeded & prepped a small section of the garden and got some lettuce seeds planted. We were expecting rain later in the day and for once the prediction was correct. Ha! Hopefully we'll have fresh lettuce in about a month. I went heavy on the arugula seeds because I love arugula the most!

Hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend!


  1. Your mitten looks great - if only we had a need for such things! The Illusion Sampler looks very interesting.

    I have had a 5 day break from work - with no annual leave taken due to not working Thursdays and all the public holidays - have been almost glued to my sewing room. A definite EWSI for me.

  2. Gosh you were busy!
    We did a lot of weeding here too, and hubby was planning what plants to grow this year. I only managed to do a little cross stitch. 😁
    Sounds like you’ve had a great weekend. Happy Easter!
    Barbara 🙋‍♀️👋xx

  3. Pretty purple mittens! The BOM project looks like a fun one, too. Have a great week, Susie!

  4. Arrgghh about Bloglovin' - I've come to rely on it too, for catching up on all my bloggy friends. Just as well Wendy's linkup works without relying on it! You had a productive weekend, by the looks of it. Love that/those mittens and your LQS block is pretty cool too.
