Thursday, April 28, 2022

I Like Thursday #71

LeeAnna has once again gathered us up on her blog Not Afraid of Color to talk about things that we've liked this week. You know, things that make us happy and smile. For a bright spot in your day, you should visit her site and see all the fun posts.

Let's start with my happy plants. First off, my lettuce has started to sprout in the garden. No pictures yet but I'll share soon. The picture I did take was of my orchid. It has bloomed non-stop with anywhere between 1 and 5 blooms since OCTOBER! Every time we leave on a trip, it slows down and gets down to one bloom but after I'm home again, watering it consistently, ta da! Flowers! I really like this plant. (I hope I didn't just jinx it!)

This picture is a spiderwort plant. My daughter gave me a sprout off her own plant and repotted it for me. It must be happy -- it is blooming! Such a delicate purple flower!
Speaking of purple, I finished knitting a pair of purple mittens for me. They were a fun knit from one of my favorite designers, Very Busy Monkey. This pattern is called Woodland Sage Mittens. You can find it here on Ravelry.
Look how perfectly they fit! I'm almost looking forward to winter again! I said ALMOST! Ha!
Check out these two. My brother has twin daughters. The one graduated from college last year and the other graduates next month. The May graduate recently acquired a dog. His name is Mac and he is a sweetie. I understand that he had several young owners that quickly became disillusioned with the responsibility that he brought. He is now a house-broken good boy who even goes to work with his mama. The kitty belongs to the already-graduated twin. This kitty came from a friend of hers that could no longer keep the cat. His name is Waldo and he is deaf! He's wonderful company for Mac when he visits. Aren't they adorable!!??!!
Another "critter" like for Thursday is this nest. I climbed up on a ladder under our deck to see that the robins have certainly been busy. I spied the nest not too long ago but now we have four blue eggs! Something to watch while I quilt down in the basement.
My last "like" would be my Thursday this week. I'm writing this up early because I will be on a bus Thursday morning heading to Paducah, KY, for the annual American Quilters Society Quilt Show! I will for sure have plenty of pictures for next week. I'm very excited to go. There will be beautiful quilts and loads of vendors. The Boy Scouts always have a strawberry shortcake stand for their fund raiser and I plan on helping them out!

Next week I'll talk about the book I'm reading. Bet I'll be finished with it by then. Until next time, don't forget to take some time to appreciate the little things in life. Have a great week!


  1. Love the blooming plants, and lettuce! Yum! Your purple mittens are so pretty. Have fun going to Paducah! We'll enjoy those pictures.

  2. The picture of Mac and Waldo is great!

  3. I am envious, I can't keep orchids alive. The purple mittens are gorgeous. Oh enjoy Paducah!

  4. LOVE those mittens. The color and the pattern are great. Pretty blue eggs.

  5. starting with tulips on the header, love them. Oh Mac and Waldo are models. Look how he's sitting, heh heh. Waldo is so white!!! I wonder if more dogs are given away around age 5 months when they get into so much... just a stage. By age 3 they become perfect family members and that's lots faster than kids, lol, yet we keep them.
    love the purple gloves too
