Saturday, April 2, 2022

FNwF April Fool's

Friday Night with Friends is always a welcome evening. Sewing with my cyber friends is the icing on the cake, especially when there are new TV shows on my favorite TV-watching evening. Magnum PI always takes me back to when we spent five years living in Hawaii and Blue Bloods is a show with a good story and a family with wonderful ideals.

So what did I sew? I worked on Uptown's March block. The April block went live Friday morning so I thought I'd better get a move-on with March. Doesn't look like much at this point but it's going to be really pretty (fingers crossed!).

Just a bunch of miscellaneous pieces appliqued down at this point. I hope to have this block finished by the end of Sunday! There's a whole lot of laundry that's accumulated this month due to traveling and my sister's visit but handwork is always good to have close-at-hand in between loads, right?

Linking up with my cyber sisters thanks to Cheryll at Gone Stitchin'. Let's hop on over to see what everyone else worked on!


  1. Me encanta la técnica del appliqué. Estaré atenta a tus avances. Recibe un fuerte abrazo desde Venezuela!

  2. It sounds like you have a busy weekend planned (laundry!) so I hope you can get the stitching finished on this block...looking at the fabrics you are using, it looks like it will be lovely.

  3. lovely little block... the laundry is one of those piles that as soon as it's down it builds up again!

  4. The best way to fill in time between loads of washing :)

  5. Still good progress... & I thank you for stopping in for FNwF...xox

  6. Hi Susie well done on your beautiful work xx

  7. Hi Susie well done on your beautiful work 💕🤍💕

  8. Any stitching is good progress!!!

    I Love the sun flower in your blog header!

  9. You made nice progress with your block and if your washer is like mine you need plenty to do while it is doing the hard work. xx

  10. Good progress on your project.
    Love your Sunflower header...
