Thursday, April 14, 2022

I Like Thurs #69

Hot diggity! Bloglovin is back just in time for me to post my Thursday likes this week. It'd been down since the weekend. It's up & running again so I'll be able to post a few likes with all of us upbeat bloggers with Leeanna at Not Afraid of Color. Let's get started!

Brody loves to help his mommy. Here he is "supervising" her while she's working at home.

If you're squeamish, it's ok if you skip this part. Here's Mom waiting to be seen by the doctor. She's  looking a bit like Edith Ann! Ha!

She was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma.

We got that sucker excised Tuesday. Good riddance! Nothing left but a hole that should heal up just fine. My brother said it looks like a volcano! Hahaha!

Are the flowers looking lovely in your neighborhood? Ours are so I'll share a few pics.
Daffodils surrounding old railroad posts

Beautiful daffodils in my neighbor's yard

Gorgeous pink tulips down by the bike trail

Crabapple (?) tree growing wild in the woods on the bike trail

I finished the book "What Alice Forgot" by Liane Moriarty. It was a good read with humor and a provocative storyline. I recommend this one!

This Sunday is Easter. I'm wishing you all a blessed weekend and hope you can hold in your heart what Easter is all about. Peace to you, my friends.


  1. Pretty tulips in your header photo! Brody looks like a very good supervisor. Glad you got your mom's skin issue taken care of - that didn't look good! I'm not sure I've read anything by Liane Moriarty - I'll have to try that one. Happy Easter, Susie!

  2. yikes for your mom but cool it could be dealt with! None of us are getting out of this life without some scars. no flowers here it banks from hot to cold daily. gotta check out your book,

  3. That’s the cutest supervisor! Glad your mama’s ok! Great flower pictures to brighten my day! Not a single bloom have I witnessed in my neighborhood. Granted, I haven’t been out a lot. With highs of 12 degrees and wind chills to make it feel like -7, I’m hiding out indoors! It’s a typical Easter weekend in Wyoming!

  4. Glad that your mom was treated quickly!
    Thanks for the book recommendation!
    Happy Quilting!

  5. Have a blessed Easter. Your mom's growth looks like one I had on the back of my wrist for years called a Bible Cyst. I had it removed several times and it returned. Lots of gorgeous flowers.

  6. Love the tulips in your header!
    My mum had something similar on her wrist too, a good few years ago. It was removed and hasn’t come back since.
    I’ve just finished reading that book. I didn’t want to put it down, had find out what would happen to her!
    Lovely flowers, and that crab apple tree! We’ve been walking on our local common and there are loads of flowers on the Cherry trees up there.
    Barbara x
