Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday Night with Friends

Our first Friday Night with Friends meeting for 2021! Yahoo for Cheryll for hosting this party once again. There are quite a few of us joining in and we'd like to share with you what we worked on. Check on the partiers HERE.

What did I work on? I bought a few embroidery blocks at my guild's last Quilts from the Heart quilt show. I think I've completed two already making this one my third. Here's how it started this evening:

I enjoy the Friday night line-up on CBS. Magnum PI is always fun. During the late 80s, our family lived in Hawaii for five years. That was during the days of the original Magnum PI with Tom Selleck. We never managed to catch sight of him but we love seeing the scenery and listening to the music. Ahhhhh, takes us back! Blue Bloods follows and that is an admirable family with usually a good story for the week. Rarely can I sit and watch TV for 2 straight hours but Fridays I find it pretty easy. After watching some television, I made it this far:

Don't forget to check out how my worldly, virtual friends spent their Friday night!


  1. Your stitchery is very cute. Hugs,xx

  2. LOL - I could never just sit & watch TV - always some hand sewing or crochet to do.
    Great progress on the stitching!

  3. You did well with your stitching - great design. xx

  4. Well done with the lovely stitchery. I went to Hawaii two years ago for a holiday and now when I come across Hawaii 50 on the TV I have to watch to see if anything is familiar, so I can relate to what you are saying 😁

  5. Your "horse" is going to be gorgeous...
    Lovely to have your company at FNwF too...xox

  6. He's a handsome little fellow.
    I loved watching Magnum PI with Tom back in the day :)

  7. Lovely stitching... great to sew with you cyberly...

  8. Love Tom Selleck and loved Magnum PI back in the day. How wonderful to have lived in Hawaii. Your stitching is lovely x

  9. Interesting Block, I hope we get to see some more of them.
