Thursday, January 21, 2021

I Like Thurs #21

Hi and Happy Thursday! Today is the day when I share things that have made me happy over the past week. Then I share it with LeeAnn'a blog Not Afraid of Color. I am not the only one that does this. There are several others that also share things they like and you can take a peek of ALL of our LIKES if you click right HERE!

If you know me at all, you know I love cardinals, both the baseball team but especially the birds. The other day I heard the call of a cardinal and looked straight up and there he was.

Lately I've also been seeing quite a few bluebirds on my morning walk but have yet to get a picture. You know I'll share if and when I get a good picture! In the meantime, this large woodpecker (a red-bellied woodpecker) visited the suet feeders on my back deck a couple of times last week.

Sunrises are always a true delight.

Lately I've been quilting on my sewing machine. The project has been my Tiny Tuesday quilt. (There'll be pictures when I'm FINALLY done!) Anyway, I've really appreciated the multi-pads (?) on my walking foot. I was doing a lot of straight-line/in the ditch sewing. The pad I used was the one with the dippy thing in the middle. Are you enjoying my technical terminology? Ha!

See it right there in the middle? You guide that down your seam or your marked line and it really helps to keep your quilting lines where they're supposed to be. Truly a LIKE for the week! Speaking of marking lines, this is my favorite CHALK pencil. The lines are there but brush right out. No chemicals involved!

I haven't really cooked anything special this week except these delicious brownies. They used to be on the back of Nestle's Chocolate Morsel bags but not any more. You can go HERE for the recipe and I strongly recommend it if you like chewy, thick brownies. So delicious!!

I'm still reading "Anxious People" by Fredrik Backman. I'm enjoying it but slightly less than his previous books that I've read. I'm down to less than 100 pages so obviously I'm in it until the end. In the meantime, since I've been spending a lot of time quilting in the basement, I downloaded my very first audio book! Actually, the real reason I downloaded the book was because it's only available to me from my library system in that form and I really wanted to see what it was about. The audio book is call "The Chain" by Adrian McKinty. OMG! It's a really scary concept.

Here's what GoodReads has to say about it:

It’s something parents do every morning: Rachel Klein drops her daughter at the bus stop and heads into her day. But a cell phone call from an unknown number changes everything: it’s a woman on the line, informing her that she has Kylie bound and gagged in her back seat, and the only way Rachel will see her again is to follow her instructions exactly: pay a ransom, and find another child to abduct. This is no ordinary kidnapping: the caller is a mother herself, whose son has been taken, and if Rachel doesn’t do as she’s told, the boy will die.

“You are not the first. And you will certainly not be the last.” Rachel is now part of The Chain, an unending and ingenious scheme that turns victims into criminals — and is making someone else very rich in the process. The rules are simple, the moral challenges impossible; find the money fast, find your victim , and then commit a horrible act you’d have thought yourself incapable of just twenty-four hours ago.

But what the masterminds behind The Chain know is that parents will do anything for their children. It turns out that kidnapping is only the beginning.

See what I mean? And it takes off right away! Do you think I'm a bit depraved judging by the books I read? LOL!!

I think that's enough sharing for this week. I'm heading back to the basement to keep listening to this book .... er, I mean to quilt! Have a great week!


  1. Ooh, that book sounds fascinating! I'll have to look for it, just so you don't feel like you're the only one reading it! :) We love cardinals, too - they don't live in Colorado though. That just means I have to enjoy others'photos of them. Good luck finishing up the quilting on your Tiny Tuesday quilt!

  2. Some wonderful things to like and appreciate this week Susie. Nothing better than a good book.....enjoy!

  3. Cardinals are always a bright point in winter. Pretty sunset. I need a good chalk markup - I may need to get one of those! Mmm... brownies!!
